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Samsung trolls Apple over iPad Pro 'crash' ad failure

Samsung trolls Apple over iPad Pro 'crash' ad failure


New product lineup and software updates announced at Apple event

Announcement of new product lineup and software updates at Apple event 02:43

Samsung's cheeky new ad makes light of Apple's recent iPad Pro ad, which was widely criticized as insensitive and outrageous.

Apple's spot featured hydraulic presses, grinding equipment, paint buckets, arcade games, and more, proving that the latest iPad is both powerful and compact. But artists and other critics accused Apple of being tone-deaf, given growing concerns about artificial intelligence and other technologies replacing humans.

Apple apologized for the ad shortly after its release, admitting that it “missed the mark.”

Now, Apple's competitor Samsung is also developing its own tablet, and it's gaining momentum. The ad features a woman in a scene that seems to show the aftermath of an Apple ad. As her paint splatters, she picks up a broken guitar and starts playing a song while reading music from her Samsung Galaxy Tab S9 tablet.

The tagline of Samsung's spot is “Creativity cannot be defeated.”

#UnCrush by Samsung by Estefanio Holtz on Vimeo

Directed by filmmaker Zen Pace, the spot from advertising agency BBH USA celebrates the fundamental truth that creativity comes from within, something that technology can't take away from us. ” the advertising agency said in a statement to CBS MoneyWatch.

Estefanio Holz, BBH USA executive creative director, said the industry uproar over Apple's “Crash” ad presented a unique opportunity for client Samsung to respond. “Samsung wanted to say something, but it was very quick,” Holtz told CBS MoneyWatch.

Holtz said the simple concept, focusing on a woman playing a broken guitar, conveyed the core message: “This is about humanity, and the tablet becomes a tool to help her play notes.” It's not too much,” he said. “We went in the opposite direction to remind people that as technological innovation advances, we cannot leave humanity behind.”

Megan Cerullo




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