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Nurasa aims to promote the commercialization of low-carbohydrate, cholesterol-free, and intestinal-friendly foods

Nurasa aims to promote the commercialization of low-carbohydrate, cholesterol-free, and intestinal-friendly foods


Owned by Singapore's state-owned investment company Temasek, Nurasa transforms food systems to be greener, more accessible and innovative, strengthens food security and supports sustainable nutrition development in Singapore and across Asia. It was established in 2021 with the purpose of promoting.

Its state-of-the-art 3,840 square meter facility, named the Food Tech Innovation Center (FTIC), opened on April 24 and will pioneer product development in consumer-centric innovations such as low-carbohydrate, cholesterol-free and gut health improvements. It will function as a hub for commercialization. gentle food.

FTIC will feature a high-tech laboratory that will leverage the precision fermentation and food processing capabilities of Nurasus' partners, including A*STAR and ScaleUp Bio.

In particular, the precision fermentation lab is equipped with bioreactors with production capacities of up to 100 litres, allowing companies to scale up production beyond the development stage.

Food innovation is complex. Products need to taste good and be affordable, but innovation requires capital investment and a response to rising cost competition. To improve profitability, innovators must move faster.

Additionally, startups need like-minded backers to test their technologies and products before commercializing them. Nurasa CEO Guo Xiuling told FoodNavigator-Asia that Nurasa works with up-and-coming food tech companies, industry partners and joint ventures to jointly cultivate a food tech ecosystem across the entire value chain.

In addition to startups, large corporations are also important components of this ecosystem.

We have a membership program through which we co-innovate and commercialize with large companies. Some of them are very enthusiastic about how our platform can be leveraged to drive innovation, for example by working with start-ups within the Nurasas system.

This will speed up the market entry process for start-ups and give them broader market access. These leading companies are important partners and we look forward to many more joining us.

At the same time, large companies also face unique challenges when it comes to sustainable innovation.

Large companies need to improve their current innovation systems or introduce new systems and technologies. However, there can be challenges in implementing disruptive innovation in-house. More and more companies are now seeking external partnerships.

Nurasa is strategically located in Singapore's innovation hub where many regional headquarters are located. We are dedicated to serving the needs of both startups and large enterprises.

continuous collaboration

Singapore's easy access to early-stage funding, research companies and laboratories makes it an attractive environment for many food tech start-ups.

However, Mr Guo shared that these startups tend to leave Singapore in search of more mature acceleration environments to take the next stage of development.

Singapore is unique in that it has a small, highly efficient, and highly transparent public-private system. Therefore, we want to leverage these advantages to make the country an attractive place for investors, start-ups and large corporations.

Nurasas’ investment aims to ensure startups are here to stay until they need to grow and scale to greater scale. This makes our ecosystem more productive and robust.

The Nurasas membership program allows successful startups to remain part of the system even after moving their operations off-premises.

For example, these companies use research labs to drive new innovations and help the company grow over time.

Today's startups are all working on solutions that significantly reduce their environmental impact through food processing technology and the conscious use of water, energy and resources. The possibility of large-scale, low-cost production could influence consumer demand to switch from traditional foods to more sustainable options.

Our long-term goal is to be recognized as a world leader in sustainable nutrition. In the more concrete short term, more startups will graduate from here into the commercial stage, larger companies will find greater success through our partnerships, and more investment will be funneled into innovation in Singapore. I hope so.

Plant-Based Heat Rekindles Singapore's local cuisine made using plant-based ingredients. Nurasa

Health and wellness, sustainability and plant-based ingredients are the key consumer trends observed by Nurasa in the food sector.

Rising awareness of sustainability, especially among younger generations, is increasingly influencing the way people make and consume food.

While growing consumer acceptance of plant-based foods in recent years has created headwinds for investors and innovators alike, the category will continue to trend not only as a protein replacement but also as an ingredient with multiple functions thanks to advanced technologies such as precision fermentation to enhance the nutritional value of foods.

Nonetheless, Guo acknowledged that there is still a lot of room for improvement in terms of taste and texture of plant-based products.

We need to do more to make plant-based eating a more pleasant experience for consumers. But we see that technology continues to evolve. There are innovations on the lipid side to make plant-based proteins more satisfying.

The increasing inclusion of plant-based ingredients in Asian cuisine means it's no longer a complete transition from a meat-based diet to a plant-based diet. Rather, it suggests that people are becoming more receptive to incorporating plant-based or sustainably produced foods as part of their diets, and for these foods to become more available.

Guo believes that through the efforts of the entire ecosystem, more sustainable, tastier and more affordable options will come to market in the coming years.

For example, incorporating plant-based meat into a local dish such as satay, which tastes better thanks to the flavors and spices, is completely acceptable to consumers. We just need to create products in a so-called more plant-forward way.

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