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Supertech roadmap promises to boost legaltech in Birmingham and the Midlands – Artificial Lawyer

Supertech roadmap promises to boost legaltech in Birmingham and the Midlands – Artificial Lawyer


Supertech, the UK’s first professional services technology supercluster focused on Birmingham and the West Midlands, is set to add 4,600 new jobs to the local economy over 10 years following the launch of its Innovation Roadmap. The project is expected to add $1.5 billion to the local economy.

It's also worth noting that professional services technology, or “ProfTech,” includes FinTech, PropTech, Legal Technology, and InsurTech.

Additionally, the Midlands region was the birthplace of the 18th century industrial revolution, so it's no surprise that it is at the center of the new wave of technology-driven changes sweeping the world of professional services in the 21st century. After all, Birmingham's city motto is “Forward!”

The publicly funded body’s extensive research and innovation roadmap already describes Birmingham as a legal tech hub, which is good news. Many of the UK's legal tech companies focus on London, but there are certainly companies like Clarilis in the Midlands. But if that's changing, that's great.

SuperTech Group points out that there is more to life than London. They point out that there are 50,000 active business, professional and financial services (BPFS) organizations across the West Midlands, employing 350,000 people and contributing GVA 28 billion annually.

Driven by efforts in these areas, the Roadmap is an actionable program of targeted initiatives that address challenges and opportunities through collaboration between industry participants (from start-ups to large corporations) and educational institutions. (See AL interview with SuperTech below for more details). Leveraging legal technology to gather information from across the West Midlands is seen as a key part of this.

Hilary Smith-Allen, SuperTech Executive Lead, commented: Globally, we are on the brink of a new era of professional services technology, with innovation and innovation driving the requirements for smart and accelerated service provisioning in areas such as finance, home living, and mobility. request.

Meanwhile, Stephen Browning, challenge director at Next Generation Services Innovate UK UKRI, added: “Whether they are global employers or early stage start-ups, specialist businesses have always thrived in the West Midlands. The region is at the heart of UK business and innovation and this roadmap will It presents an exciting outlook for an area poised to transform the impact of professional services technology on the evolving needs of individuals, communities and businesses.”

Artificial Lawyer reached out to SuperTech to find out more.

How will this benefit legal services in the West Midlands?

It's a roadmap developed in the West Midlands that aims to deliver prosperity for the region and beyond. Like other ProfTech sectors, the legal sector has seen a wave of digital transformation in recent years, with Birmingham emerging as a key city for legal technology developments including data analytics, client onboarding and AI. Research and innovation in the shared sector is expected to reshape the way legal services are delivered and consumed both in the region and across the UK.

How does this tie in with government-funded legal tech groups like LawTechUK that already exist?

SuperTech is the West Midlands representative body within the LawTech National Network, a collection of regionally based cluster bodies such as Legal Tech in Leeds, Bristol and Bath.

There are many action points in the plan, such as meetings and surveys, but how will this project create new jobs and growth in the legal profession?

The UK's economic strategy places increasing emphasis on science and innovation as key drivers of growth, and this roadmap will ensure that next-generation services are a key part of this agenda, while traditional industries such as manufacturing and life sciences This is the first regional statement of its kind to show that the industry is not alone.

Part of this is achieved through the innovation activity itself – creating new services and new business models to win more jobs – but it's also about inward investment and building fit-for-purpose ecosystems to support future service delivery, and there's an increasing need to have more innovation-based assets, such as strategic relationships with universities and research activities to make the place more attractive for new businesses to enter the UK beyond London.

Thank you and good luck! And I'm happy to see Birmingham becoming a major legal tech hub.




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