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Unlocking the potential of technology: How Detroit is closing the digital divide with generative AI

Unlocking the potential of technology: How Detroit is closing the digital divide with generative AI


When you think of Detroit, Motown legends and visions of the auto giant come to mind. But in recent years, Detroit has been making waves in its tech scene, proving that innovation and resilience go hand in hand. At the center of this technology renaissance are his three leading companies: Rocket Community Fund (RCF), Microsoft, and Black Tech Saturday. Their latest collaboration, “AI Explained Detroit,” is more than just an event. This is a groundbreaking movement designed to demystify generative AI and help Detroit nonprofits, small businesses, and service providers harness its potential.

The “AI Explained Detroit” event held at The Icon was a great intellectual engagement and community empowerment event. This was no ordinary technology conference. It was a blend of ethos and mission aimed at bridging Detroit's digital divide and promoting equitable access to cutting-edge technology. Generative AI – Sounds complicated, right? But this event was all about making the complex more accessible. Imagine an AI that can create, innovate, and transform on its own, like an artist painting on a digital canvas. For nonprofits and small businesses, this means streamlining operations, reducing cost efficiency, and increasing impact.

The dynamic partnerships that drive Detroit's technology advancements were on full display. Rocket Community Fund (RCF) is known for its relentless commitment to community development and is on a mission to bridge the digital divide through its “Changing the Course: Bridging Digital Divides” campaign. Microsoft, with its extensive expertise in AI and philanthropy, is a linchpin in transforming the world of technology globally. Founded by Johnny Turnage and Alexa Turnage, Black Tech Saturday is pioneering technology innovation and diversity in Detroit, creating an avenue for Black professionals in the tech industry.

The event featured immersive workshops led by Microsoft TechSpark Fellows who used AI tools to tackle real-world challenges. Attendees not only learned about AI, they also experienced its transformative power first-hand. Panel discussions with thought leaders such as RCF's Autumn Evans, Microsoft Philanthropy's Erica Smith, and City of Detroit's Art She Thompson provided deep insights into leveraging technology for community empowerment. His announcement of a $320,000 investment by Rocket Community Fund into Black Tech Saturday is a game-changer, allowing BTS to continue promoting innovation and diversity within the Detroit community.

“Access to technology is fundamental to economic empowerment and community growth,” said Laura Granneman, Executive Director of Rocket Community Foundation. “One of the essential elements as we work to close the digital divide is community engagement. This investment in Black Tech Saturday will provide critical digital skills and resources to foster prosperity for Detroiters. We support programs that provide Detroit residents with:

The speakers at this event weren't just talking, they were creating a movement. Autumn Evans highlighted his RCF's commitment to ensuring equitable access to technology. Erica Smith highlighted the transformative power of her AI for nonprofits and small businesses. Johnny Turnage spoke about BTS' journey and the importance of technology inclusion. Sean Malhotra, his CTO at Rocket Company, and Josh Zuke, his CTO at Rocket Mortgage, discussed practical applications of AI in business. Art Thompson spoke about the city's vision for a technology-enabled future.

Rocket Community Fund's “Changing the Course” campaign is more than just a slogan, it's a strategic, multifaceted approach to tackling digital inequality. From community engagement and storytelling to access to resources and infrastructure, this initiative aims to create a digital ecosystem that equips all Detroiters with the tools and skills to succeed . This investment and collaboration is monumental for several reasons. It's about making the digital economy accessible to all Detroiters, regardless of their background. Technology is the gateway to growth and success for small businesses and nonprofits, creating new paths to prosperity. This fosters a sense of ownership and ownership over technology within Detroit's neighborhoods and ensures that the benefits of technological advances are felt throughout the community.

“I am honored and humbled to have our work with Black Tech Saturday recognized in this way,” Alexa said. “Rocket is also committed to access and accessibility for Black and Brown founders, not just in Detroit but across the country.”

The importance of this investment in Black Tech Saturdays (BTS) cannot be overstated. By supporting BTS, Rocket Community Fund is investing in organizations that directly address the unique challenges faced by Black entrepreneurs and tech professionals in Detroit. This initiative not only supports the local tech ecosystem, but also sets a precedent for other cities to follow, demonstrating how targeted investments can have a significant impact on communities. For the Detroit community, especially Black entrepreneurs, this means greater access to resources, mentorship, and opportunities that were previously out of reach. This is a bold statement that Detroit is committed to technological inclusion and economic empowerment, fostering an environment where innovation thrives and everyone has a chance to succeed.

“While we are very grateful, what is even more compelling about investing in Black Tech Saturday is its commitment to bringing all of this energy of innovation and technology to neighborhoods and communities with highly innovative people. “I think it's people who are doing really cool things but don't have the same access,” Johnny said. “If the last year has taught me anything, it's that there are some really talented people in Detroit who don't get in the room. So being able to bring technology experts and technology conversations to the community I am very satisfied.”

The Turnages' singular vision for Black Tech Saturday (BTS) is to uplift the community and encourage those seeking opportunity to raise their hands. With their relentless drive to create opportunities, Alexa and Johnny Turnage have turned BTS into a pillar of hope and innovation in Detroit. With each workshop, mentorship program, and networking event, BTS has broken down barriers and opened new doors. This latest investment from Rocket Community Fund is more than just financial support. This is a strong validation of the tremendous impact Rocket Community Fund has already had and is a powerful catalyst for our ongoing mission. “That's the exciting part for us, the community support and bringing all of Detroit into this conversation. It has the potential to be huge for what it means for wealth and building generations to come.” I think it’s sexual,” Johnny said.

This $320,000 investment and all the work we've done to date is about building a sustainable future. Our goal is to create a vibrant ecosystem where all aspiring tech entrepreneurs in Detroit have the resources, support, and opportunities to make their dreams a reality. Turnage continues to blaze a trail where innovation and inclusion meet, striving to ensure that Detroit's technology revolution is as diverse and dynamic as the city itself.

Creating opportunity is at the heart of what BTS does and continues to do. This commitment to community upliftment doesn't just change lives, it transforms entire cities. By bridging the digital divide and fostering a culture of empowerment through technology, BTS is paving the way for a brighter, more inclusive future for Detroit. This initiative is breaking new ground and it's definitely necessary. Turnage isn't just creating opportunity, it's revolutionizing the tech industry, giving all Detroiters a shot at success.

The broader impact of this initiative extends beyond the city and promises to attract and retain Michigan talent. As Detroit becomes a hub for technology innovation, it will inevitably attract professionals and entrepreneurs who want to participate in this vibrant and inclusive tech scene. This influx of talent will not only boost the local economy, but also establish Detroit as a major tech capital, countering the dominance of traditional tech hubs like Silicon Valley. Efforts to close the digital divide and foster a diverse tech community ensure that Detroit is not just a city of the future, but a model for achieving equitable advancement in technology.

“AI Explained Detroit” was more than just an event, it was a testament to what is possible when community, technology, and vision come together. This is a beacon for other cities looking to bridge their own digital divides, and a reminder that with the right partnerships and investment, the future can not only be imagined, but realized. As Detroit continues to develop, one thing is clear. That means the city's technology potential is limitless, and with support from RCF, Microsoft and Black Tech Saturday, there are no limits to what can be achieved. Together, they are not only unlocking the potential of technology, but creating a future where every Detroiter has a seat at the table.

About the contributing author Ebony JJ Curry, Senior Reporter

Ebony JJ is an accomplished journalist with an extensive background in all areas of journalism with an emphasis on impactful stories that focus on the advancement of the Black community through politics, economic development, community and social justice. She serves as a senior reporter and can be reached via email: [email protected] Connect with us on IG: @thatssoebony_




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