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Witness in Karen Reed trial grilled during search

Witness in Karen Reed trial grilled during search


Crime McCabe denied creating and deleting the now infamous 2:27am Google search. “I would never have let John O'Keeffe die in the cold,” she said. Witness Jen McCabe testifies during Karen Reed's murder trial Wednesday, May 22, 2024, in Norfolk Superior Court in Dedham. Associated Press, Greg Darr/Patriot Ledger via Poole

Witness Jennifer McCabe on Wednesday disputed the 2:27 a.m. timestamp on the now-infamous Google search for “I'm cold and want to die” when John O'Keefe was found unresponsive in the snow. It was alleged that she had suffered from hypothermia in the hours before her death. .

As Mansfield resident Karen Reed's lawyers attempt to pin the blame for the murder of O'Keefe, her boyfriend of two years, on someone else, McCabe's Google searches have played a pivotal role in her third-party defense.

Reed, 44, has pleaded not guilty to charges of second-degree murder, vehicular manslaughter while intoxicated, and leaving the scene of an accident resulting in injury or death. Prosecutors say Reed was drunk and intentionally backed his SUV into O'Keefe when he dropped her off at his home in Canton on Jan. 29, 2022, causing him to crash into O'Keefe.

But Mr. Reed's lawyers claim he was part of a widespread cover-up. They said O'Keefe attended a social gathering that night at 34 Fairview Road, where she was assaulted, attacked by the family's dog and left outside in a snowstorm.

They allege that McCabe participated in the conspiracy.

She previously testified that she was drinking at a bar with family and friends on Jan. 28, 2022, when Reed and O'Keefe arrived and joined the group. As the outing drew to a close, McCabe's sister and brother-in-law, Nicole and Brian Albert, invited her over to their home at 34 Fairview Road.

Ms McCabe, who attended the after-party, denied seeing Ms O'Keeffe enter the house that night.

As cross-examination continued on Wednesday morning, defense lawyer Alan Jackson pointed to McCabe's mobile phone data, which he said had been searched on Google several times when he returned home just after 2am on the 29th. showed that. McCabe admitted that she Googled the basketball team her daughter had been asked to join.

When asked why she didn't wait until later that morning to do her research, she said she was texting a basketball-related group chat and “obviously basketball was on my mind.” explained.

“Was there anything else you were thinking about during that early morning time slot?” Jackson asked.

“Unbelievable,” McCabe replied.

Jackson pressed her on whether she had also looked into how long it takes for exposure to extreme temperatures to kill a person.

“We did that in the morning at the request of our client,” McCabe said.

“So what phrase did you use?” Jackson asked.

“I'm not sure,” McCabe said.

“Really?” Jackson asked skeptically.

McCabe, Reed and a third woman, Kelly Roberts, searched for O'Keefe on Jan. 29, 2022, and found him outside 34 Fairview Road around 6 a.m. McCabe previously testified that after discovering O'Keefe's body, Reed asked her to “Google hypothermia. Google how long it takes to die from the cold.” On Wednesday, she claimed she didn't remember exactly what she typed that morning.

“How about this? 'I can't wait to die in the cold,'” Jackson suggested. “Does that sound familiar?”

“Yeah, it was everywhere,” McCabe said.

“Why does that sound so familiar?” Jackson asked.

“Because I posted it on social media,” McCabe said.

“Well, I haven't put anything out on social media because I personally don't have social media,” Jackson replied.

“Sorry, Turtleboy did it,” McCabe corrected, referring to blogger Aidan Carney, who faces multiple charges of witness intimidation in connection with his reporting on Reid's case.

Defense attorney Alan Jackson questions witness Jen McCabe during the Karen Reed murder trial in Norfolk Superior Court in Dedham, Wednesday, May 22, 2024. Greg Durr/The Patriot Ledger (Associated Press, Pool)

Mr Jackson showed Mr McCabe data extracted from her phone, showing multiple searches for both “how long it will take to die from cold” and “how long it will take to die from heat stroke”.

“Why did you search twice?” he asked.

“She (Reed) was standing next to me screaming and waving,” McCabe said. “My hands were cold. I looked it up on Google. Obviously, the first thing I came up with might not make any sense because I had a spelling mistake, so I tried again.”

Jackson pointed out that the timestamp for the first “hos long” search was 2:27 a.m. Similar searches were subsequently timestamped at 6:23 a.m. and 6:24 a.m.

“MS. McCABE, the reason you conducted that search at 2:27 a.m. was because you knew John O'Keefe was outside, dead in the cold on his sister's lawn, correct?” he asked.

“Absolutely not,” Mr. McCabe replied. “I did not conduct any such search at that time.”

Mr Jackson continued: “McCabe, you were aware that an incriminating search of his mobile phone was made just after 6am the morning after John was found, correct?”

“Absolutely not,” she replied.

“You searched again to override the initial search at 2:27 a.m. to cover your tracks, right?” Jackson asked, adding that McCabe was unable to reproduce the initial search at 2:27 a.m. Since it wasn't there, he suggested that he searched again.

“Again, absolutely not,” McCabe said. She also denied deleting the 2:27 a.m. search, but Jackson showed jurors a phone extract report showing otherwise.

Attorney Alan Jackson presents McCabe's internet search history while questioning witness Jen McCabe during the Karen Reed murder trial in Dedham Superior Court in Norfolk, Wednesday, May 22, 2024. – Greg Durr/The Patriot Ledger via Associated Press, Pool

“Did you delete that search because you knew that if it was found on your phone, you would be implicated in John O'Keeffe's death?” he asked.

“I did not delete the search,” McCabe insisted, adding: “I would never have left John O'Keeffe to die – he was a friend whom I loved.”

She also testified that she didn't even know how to delete search results from her phone.

In redirection questioning, McCabe told Assistant District Attorney Adam Lally that he left an Internet tab open after finishing a basketball-related Google search early Tuesday morning.

“My kids would yell at me because I would always leave the tab open,” she added.

McCabe also testified that she used the same tab later that morning when Reed desperately asked to be checked for hypothermia.

Attorney Alan Jackson presents McCabe's internet search history while questioning witness Jen McCabe during the Karen Reed murder trial in Dedham Superior Court in Norfolk, Wednesday, May 22, 2024. Via The Associated Press, Greg Durr/Patriot Ledger, Pool Newsletter Sign Up

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