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Google issues fourth emergency Chrome update in less than two weeks: Should you switch?

Google issues fourth emergency Chrome update in less than two weeks: Should you switch?


Is it time to delete Chrome altogether?

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Google has released an emergency security update for its Chrome web browser, its fourth in a shockingly short two weeks. But the emergence of so many zero-day vulnerabilities in such a short space of time raises questions about what Google's control over Chrome security means, and whether it's time to delete the browser and switch to something else.

Timeline of important Chrome security updates

Google acknowledged the first Chrome zero-day vulnerability this month and released a patch on May 9. They then released another emergency Chrome zero-day update on May 13 and a third update on May 15. As my colleague Zak Doffmann writing for noted, Google has had trouble with Chrome security vulnerabilities before, but this one feels like it's shaping up to be a lot tougher than usual.

ForbesGoogle Chrome for Android users warned about 'no 2FA' password problemBy Davey Winder

Then the unthinkable happened: Google confirmed a fourth zero-day security vulnerability that was already known to be exploited in the wild. In response to this latest security threat, Google released yet another emergency update on Thursday, May 23rd.

Prudhvikumar Bommana, technical program manager at Google Chrome, said that CVE-2024-5274 is a type confusion in V8, nothing more. This is not unusual, as Google waits until billions of Chrome users have had a chance to mitigate automatic updates before disclosing technical details of such vulnerabilities. However, V8 is the JavaScript engine that powers Chrome and other Chromium browsers, such as Microsoft Edge. On the other hand, the type confusion attack vector is very dangerous for Cert-EU, as it can lead to code execution when a user visits a specially crafted malicious HTML page.

Should I delete Chrome and switch to another browser?

As a knee-jerk reaction to the rapid disclosure of very serious zero-day vulnerabilities in a short space of time, it's natural to assume that the security of the Chrome browser is screwed. But knee-jerk reactions are inherently without any serious justification. If you take the time to really think about what happened here, I would disagree with that conclusion, and neither should you. If you're concerned about privacy issues or the Google ecosystem, switch to a different browser, but don't do so for security reasons alone. Here are three reasons why:

The fact that zero-day vulnerabilities are being discovered by external security researchers, Google's Threat Analysis Group, and the Chrome Security Team is proof that Google takes security seriously. Certainly, it's worrying to see so many emergency fixes released in such a short period of time (eight have been released so far this year). But do you want these vulnerabilities to go undiscovered and exploits to continue undiscovered? Which browser are you thinking of switching to? This is a serious question. The most popular web browsers use the same Chromium engine and are therefore vulnerable to the same zero-day exploits. While updates for Google Chrome are pushed automatically and delivered instantly for most users, this is not always the case for other products, where updates can take several days to be released. This means that the window of opportunity for exploitation is open for attackers for several days. If you switch to a non-Chromium browser, will it be subject to the same number of vulnerability hunters as a browser like Chrome? A browser without security updates does not necessarily mean that it is not vulnerable. It may just be that vulnerabilities have not yet been discovered. ForbesGoogle's $6-a-month Chrome Security Subscription LaunchesBy Davey WinderWhat to do now?

If you're one of the billions of people who use Google Chrome, the patch should be automatically rolled out to you over the next few days, and you should see the version number 125.0.6422.112/.113 on Windows and Mac, and 125.0.6422.112 on Linux.

You can either wait for the automatic Chrome security updates to be delivered and installed (which will happen the next time you restart your browser client) or force an update for users who do not regularly restart their browsers. To force an update, click on the Google Chrome menu[ヘルプ],[バージョン情報]Continue with the options. If an update is available, it will start downloading automatically.

Chrome will start updating automatically

Google/Davey Winder

Be sure to restart your browser after installing updates, otherwise the updates will not take effect and you will remain vulnerable to attacks.

If you don't press the restart button, Chrome will no longer be safe.

Google/Davey Winder

Make sure you're running the latest and most secure version of Google Chrome.

Check your Chrome client version number

Google/Davey Winder




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