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Google CEO says there's no solution to the problem of AI serving up wildly misleading information

Google CEO says there's no solution to the problem of AI serving up wildly misleading information


Ouch. Fiction.

Did you know that Google's new feature, AI Overviews, has a tendency to spit out totally wrong answers to search queries? In one example, AI Overviews instructed users to use glue on pizza to stop the cheese from sliding off (don't do that, by the way).

Now, according to an interview with Google CEO Sundar Pichai by The Verge published earlier this week, just before the criticism of the output began in earnest, he said that these “hallucinations” are an “inherent feature” of AI large-scale language models (LLMs), which are the driving force behind AI Overviews, and that the feature is “still an open problem.”

So, despite efforts by Google engineers to fix it, we can expect to see even more bizarre and incredibly wrong inaccuracies from AI Overviews, like this big lie: “13 US presidents have graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. (Hint: this is completely untrue.)”

But Pichai seemed to downplay the mistake.

“You can still make mistakes, but I don't think you can look at that and at the same time underestimate its usefulness,” he said. “I think that's the wrong way to think about it.”

“Are we making progress? Yes, we are,” he added. “If you look at the factual indicators year after year, we are definitely making progress. We're all trying to get better, but the problem isn't going away.”

Fact or Fiction?

While Pichai was optimistic about AI Overview and its usefulness, the error caused an uproar online, with many observers sharing examples of the various misinformation generated by the feature.

And it would further tarnish the already tarnished reputation of Google's flagship product, search, which has already come under fire for showing garbage results to users.

“People expect AI to be exponentially more accurate than traditional methods, but that's often not the case,” AI consultant and SEO expert Britney Muller wrote on X. “Google is playing a dangerous game by competing with Perplexity and OpenAI when it could develop AI for larger, higher-value use cases outside of search.”

Based on Pichai's words, Google and the internet as a whole are in trouble.

More on Google AI: Why Google's AI is suggesting glue for pizza shows serious flaws in tech companies' obsession with AI




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