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“Opening the door to new scientific discoveries”

“Opening the door to new scientific discoveries”


Researchers at the University of Surrey in the UK are developing an air-fueled spacecraft that can orbit Earth in very low orbit.

The altitude is dangerously high, ranging from about 95 to 250 miles, where atmospheric resistance could cause the spacecraft to crash into Earth if not properly propelled, according to a report from Interesting Engineering.

By replacing chemical fuels with clever air-breathing electric propulsion systems, experts can achieve cleaner operation and a lower, better visibility for monitoring the Earth. This is also a travel area with significantly less debris and other traffic. The next level is the more general space where satellites orbit. All according to IE.

“Flying in very low earth orbit has advantages, including the ability to observe Earth at a much higher resolution than is currently possible,” Andrea Lucca Fabris, senior lecturer in electric propulsion at the University of Surrey, said in the university's report.

The research is being funded by $316,000 from the UK Space Agency. As part of the analysis, experts will create concept designs, analyse orbital dynamics and carry out other tests.

It works by having the satellite's propulsion system gather air from the upper atmosphere and force it into an ionization chamber, where the particles receive energy and turn into an extremely hot, electrically charged plasma, which scientists often refer to as the fourth state of matter.

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Needless to say, this unit requires some pretty high-tech equipment.

“We have been developing a cathode, or neutralizer, that works with electrostatic thrusters that operate in the thin air of very low Earth orbit,” research student Mansour Tisaev told IE. “By collecting and compressing gas at that altitude, we can create an accelerated propellant stream with a combination of electric and magnetic fields, and harness the power from solar panels.”

Observations from low orbit could allow scientists to measure the health of the planet more precisely, potentially helping to identify methane leaks sooner or aiding in the development of clean energy projects on Earth by finding the best locations for wind farms.

In the former scenario, this innovation could be a better way to tackle some of the pollution problems we worry about most: Methane leaks could release hundreds of tons of the potent global warming gas into the atmosphere every hour. And global warming is expected to affect even our food supply through reduced agricultural productivity, among other health and ecological problems.

In future, track monitors could offer various perks, including helping to resolve some of the problem areas more quickly, experts say.

“This also means faster communication speeds, which could open the door to new scientific discoveries about the state of the ionosphere and help develop more accurate atmospheric models,” Fabris said.

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