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Facebook account will be mandatory for future Oculus devices


Photo: Alex Cranz / Gizmodo

It’s official. Starting this October, Facebook accounts will be required for all future Oculus headsets. There will be a grace period for those who have another Oculus account, but Facebook will end support on January 1, 2023.

The decision was announced today on both Oculuss’s Twitter and press release. The point is that users who are new to Oculus devices after October need to log in with their Facebook account. At that point, existing Oculus users will be able to integrate their Facebook and Oculus accounts. There is a two year grace period for those who do not merge before the Oculus account becomes Kaput. The device remains technically functional, but requires a Facebook account for full functionality.

In particular, all future unreleased Oculus devices will also require a Facebook account, regardless of whether they already have an Oculus account. This is probably a reference to the successor to Oculus Quest’s rumor, suggesting that the leak could start on September 15.

What about what you have already purchased with your Oculus account? Well, Facebook says it will take steps to allow people to keep what they have already bought, but it expects[s] Some games and apps may stop working, and developers may decide to include features that require a Facebook account or stop supporting the app or game in question.

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As you can imagine, replies to Oculuss’s announcement on Twitter are not kind. In some cases, users shouted the foul, pointing out that founder Palmer Luckey did not have to log in to Facebook when using Oculus Rift when Facebook acquired Oculus. This move is portrayed as a way to streamline the VR experience by providing users with a single login method, but forcing people on Facebook’s platform to try and get your sweet data It is also an explicit attempt.

This has been coming for some time. Last year, the Oculus platform got a huge number of social features that nobody wanted. Requires Facebook login to function, and introduced elements of targeted ad data collection. Their privacy fears are justified. In that statement, Oculus said it will update its Terms of Service and Privacy Policy to reflect the new changes. In addition, when users logged into Oculus with their Facebook account, Facebook repeatedly used information relevant to their use of VR and other Facebook products to provide and improve their experience. It also displays targeted ads. Everyone knows that Facebook is very good at managing communities, so Oculus upholds Facebooks community standards and breaks down another code of conduct.

Besides offending some Oculus owners and developers, it’s easy to request a Facebook account for your hardware. Not everyone who wants to try VR has a Facebook account. When it comes to privacy, you may not always have a Facebook account given the poor track record of social media companies. As a result of the Cambridge Analytica scandal, Pew Research Center found that 54% of Facebook’s adult users have adjusted their privacy settings, 42% have left the platform, and another 26% have removed the app from their smartphones. Did. Online, there’s no shortage of articles online about how to delete your Facebook account and how to actually handle it.

Basically, what Facebook does here is to sacrifice its ability to separate its hobbies from social media and data collection. Its strategy, not limited to Oculus hardware, requires companies to use their creepy portal devices for their Facebook accounts. Facebook will never explicitly admit it, but it’s likely calculated that user data is more valuable and profitable than selling a niche gadget. Even if multiple Oculus users leave the platform in principle, the loss is made up by collecting data of users who decided to stay and new users who do not particularly care about what Facebook is doing as a company It may be gambling.

Either way, this is a sad day for the Venn Diagram intersection for people who love VR and care about digital privacy.

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