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Ocean researchers find areas prone to landslides that cause tsunamis | Chennai News أخبار

Ocean researchers find areas prone to landslides that cause tsunamis |  Chennai News أخبار


Chennai: An undersea landslide near the Andaman River, followed by an earthquake near Sumatra, is believed to have fueled the tsunami that struck the coast of India in 2004, killing more than 10,000 people. However, such landslides do not always need an earthquake to cause them. Recently, Indian researchers mapped the sea floor in India’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) along the Palar Basin off Chennai, found landslide areas and identified landslide-prone areas capable of causing tsunamis. They have also mapped cracks on the continental slope that are a precursor to landslides and at least 20 gorges, or gorges, that have arisen from landslides, with plunge pools and huge sand dunes just 30 kilometers from the coast. Many of these features, unique to the steep Palar region, are potential geographic hazards that could cause sea and wilderness destruction. It was first identified by scientists from the National Center for Polar and Ocean Research (NCPOR), Goa as part of a ten-year effort to survey and map the sea floor in the EEZ to identify areas of living and non-living resources such as minerals. minerals and fish as well as to improve the accuracy of tsunami prediction models. India’s exclusive economic zone extends 200 nautical miles (370 km) from the coast and is up to 3 km deep along the 7,500 km coast. The fissures are often a precursor to landslides that may have arisen due to slip or movement of rocks on either side of the rift or due to the disintegration of gas hydrates in marine sediments, said NCPOR scientist Bi Jun Kurian, corresponding author of two papers on seafloor morphology in the Ballar Basin. Landslides can be caused by factors such as high precipitation, excessive precipitation, dissolution of gas hydrates, tectonic activity, or sea level changes. The valleys are an extension of the Palar tributaries that carry sediments to the deep sea. “We need high-resolution mapping and carbon dating of sediment cores to know the exact time it takes for these features to form,” he said. Sediments settled above the level of slip (the surface on which sediments can move) along the fracture of the continental shelf (where the continental slope begins) are thought to be prone to underslope subsidence such as earthquakes, sediment excess, fluid migration, turbidity currents and storm surges. “The potential risk of a landslide caused by a tsunami in such cases depends on the amount of material falling all at once,” he said. The depth of the Palar Basin, which covers 3,500 square kilometers, is between 300 meters and 3,300 meters. The slope of the continental slope ranges from 3 to 78 degrees. Using multibeam sonar and lower profile, the scientists mapped a series of cracks in the region of the continental shelf slopes, up to 130 meters deep and 10 kilometers long. One of the widest, observed along with sediment subsidence, was 1.6 km. At least five landslides have been observed where the landslide mass may disintegrate over time or be buried by subsequent sedimentation. These sloping landslides had slopes or cuttings with an average width of 2.7 km and a length of 1.25 km. The team also identified three landslide-prone areas about 30 kilometers from the coast based on cracks and failures or the movement of sediment on the slope. The nearest twentieth valley was located 45 kilometers from the coast, with a maximum length of 19.1 kilometers and a depth of 3 kilometers. “The landslide-prone areas on the continental slope that we have identified need to be validated with high-resolution seismic reflection data, and geotechnical analysis is also required to determine slope stability, which is important for geographical risk assessment,” the Corian Papers said. On the west coast, scientists have found seamounts which are areas of potential mineral and fish resources that NCPOR researchers will study in the future. NCPOR Director Ravichandran said mapping the sea floor in the EEZ will help locate resources such as minerals and fish, while also helping to improve tsunami models. “We’ve been mapping the sea floor for a decade now. We’ve mapped more than 90% of the area over 500 meters deep, and work is underway to map the depth of the shallows, which is challenging because we’ve only been able to map out relatively smaller areas in one go. . .

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