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An elite Mexican team of Topos, or Moles, assists in the search effort of the collapsed Miami apartment


Search and rescue operations at the Surfside, Florida, collapse site confirmed 18 people were killed and 147 were still missing on the morning of July 1, just hours before operations were temporarily halted due to fears the rest of the building could fall.

The decision comes as President Joe Biden prepares to visit the wreckage in just hours, and after days of a search effort backed by outside rescue agents.

Authorities said they are still in the time window where they can find survivors while their search extends into the ninth day.

Among these offshore search agents is Los Topos Tlatelolco, who joined local firefighters and other rescue experts in navigating the massive, multi-level wreck site – the result of the apartment complex’s collapse.

Mexico’s Topes de Tlatelolco, or “Tlatelolco moles,” is world-famous, and they are considered champions in Mexico. They are experts in search and rescue efforts in situations where structures have collapsed, and there may be survivors trapped in air pockets.

Thank you @GobiernoMX for sending #Topos & Legendary Fangs to #Surfside.

The “Moles” were formed when the earthquake in Mexico in 1985. Volunteers began to lift the rubble, look for signs of life and pull people, to help first responders.

Thanks Mexico!

– Ana Navarro Cardenas (@anaanavarro) June 29, 2021

On the morning of September 19, 1985, a massive earthquake awakened millions of residents in Mexico City as an 8.1-magnitude earthquake struck the city, destroying hundreds of buildings and trapping thousands under piles of rubble. It killed at least 5,000 people.

As the initial chaos of the earthquake subsided, it became clear that the bigger problem was that the State of Mexico could not provide the relief services needed to rescue the trapped people.

Thus, the Tupos tribe, born out of a volunteer search-and-rescue group that searched the ruins for survivors in the working-class neighborhood of Tlatelolco, formed after it became clear that the government could do little.

Since then, Los Tobos, a Spanish word meaning “moles,” has been involved in nearly every major natural disaster in Mexico and elsewhere around the world.

Since their founding, they have assisted on nearly 70 missions in a range of natural or human-caused disasters, including the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center, the high-profile mine collapse in Chile, and the 2010 Haiti disaster.

They became known as the brave workers, endangering their lives by traveling to disasters in Nepal and the Philippines. After another earthquake devastated parts of Mexico City in 2017, they risked their lives on the ruins as hundreds of people gathered to observe their efforts and express their joy.

Distinguished from their bright orange uniforms, they regularly signaled the crowds to keep silent as they listened to any buried survivors.

In 2020, a massive mudslide caused by rainfall from Hurricane Eta swallowed dozens of homes in the Guatemalan village of Quija, killing dozens. Los Topos did not hesitate to help.

“There’s always life and we’re going to look for it, no matter what,” someone from Topo told the Washington Post in their latest search and rescue effort in Miami.

They issued a statement, immediately after the disaster, saying that they “deeply regret the collapse of the ‘apartment building in Miami,'” at the time indicating that they believed Miami first responders were able to help on site as well.

Miami-Dade officials said they have been on the ground since last Friday. Rescue efforts, while now paused due to structural concerns of the surrounding structure, will eventually continue.





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