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Butterfield project will require oil tank transport | News


Approximately 130 acres of rolling low canyons, rolling hills and large hills will be developed into 159 single-family housing developments by Trumark Homes on the southern edge of Chino Hills to be called “Shady View”.

As part of the project, oil storage tanks and oil transmission lines will have to be moved to a location west of the residences.

Abacherli’s former property is located at the south end of Shady View Drive and Via La Cresta in Butterfield.

The city decided that an Environmental Impact Report was required, and public input was taken during a July 8 meeting at McCoy Equestrian Center which will be incorporated into the document.

The Shady View development will include a community entertainment center and 72 acres of open space maintained by the Homeowners Association.

Homes will range from 2,381 square feet to 3,888 square feet with 53 single-story homes and 106 two-story homes.

Site and grading work is expected to take place west of the proposed housing project to allow the installation of an existing seismic fault, according to the preliminary study.

The Chino Fault is an active fault, extending in a general direction from northwest to southeast parallel to Butterfield Ranch.

Trumark conducted research, testing and digging deep trenches to find the exact location of the fault.

According to the study, site and grading works are also expected to move existing oil storage tanks and oil transmission lines.

The above-ground oil storage tanks have been proposed in the northwest part of the site on a 1.27-acre plot near the western boundary and west of the residences.

According to the preliminary study, the transported pipelines will connect the new reservoirs to the oil facilities to the west of the project site.

On the property are three above-ground oil storage tanks, oil pipelines, scrap yard, storage area, partitioned lumber bunker, soil mounds, and two trenches containing construction debris.

The three tanks include a water-oil emergency tank, an oil-water washing tank, and an oil tank. The emergency tank is not working.

The three existing tanks each have a capacity of 1,000 barrels of oil and are owned by Optima Conservation Resources Exploration, LLC and are associated with oil exploration activities on adjacent properties to the west and northwest.

Neighboring oil operations are part of a facility consisting of two land leases (Abacherli and Langstaff) and produce five to 25 barrels of oil and three to eight barrels of water per day.

The oil operations in the Abasherli lease include 12 actively producing wells. Various pipelines collect crude oil extracted from Abacherli’s rental facilities on a nearby property to the west and direct it to the site’s three reservoirs.

These pipelines pass through the central main valley that cuts the site from west to east.

The project will require the removal of three above-ground oil storage tanks and the construction of three new above-ground oil storage tanks.

The associated pipeline and other ancillary equipment will be removed from its current location and moved along with the tanks.

The tanks will be decommissioned, removed, and pipelines and valves rerouted to the proposed new tanks in accordance with environmental regulations.

The classification will include approximately 2,107,000 cubic yards of cut and 2,114,000 cubic yards of backfill.

Batch and utility corruption will be used to balance the site, and no import or export related gradual is expected.

Soils near oil reservoirs are expected to be classified as non-hazardous soils affected by petroleum and would require off-site export.

Residents who wish to view the 93-page document called the Preliminary Study will find it online by visiting, in the library, or at the Community Development Department in City Hall, 14,000 City Center Drive.

Written comments will be accepted until 5:30 PM on Tuesday, July 27.





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