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Afghanistan earthquake survivors frantically dig among the rubble, searching for their relatives as relief pours in

Afghanistan earthquake survivors frantically dig among the rubble, searching for their relatives as relief pours in


Days after the devastating earthquake in Afghanistan, relatives and friends of the missing residents of Paktika province are desperately searching for survivors with limited resources and little hope.

KEY POINTS: Official death toll of 1,000 is expected to rise, with more than 1,500 missing, one family in Jayan saw 17 men, women and children killed by the 6.1 magnitude earthquake, cholera fears are growing as the UN reports 500,000 cases Acute injury. Watery diarrhea across Afghanistan

Warning: This story contains details and images that may cause distress to some readers.

At least 1,000 people were killed, according to Taliban officials, and the death toll is expected to rise as information flows from remote villages.

It was reported that 1,500 other people were injured in the earthquake, which measured 6.1 on the Richter scale.

Volunteer Abdul Aziz said the community in the remote Jayan region is still searching for survivors – mostly children and women – as hope fades with every passing hour.

“I was there all day yesterday and some families are still searching for their missing members under the rubble,” he told ABC News.

Entire families in Jayan district perished when the quake destroyed buildings (AP: Ibrahim Norouzi)

Mr Aziz described the scene as “extremely disturbing and tragic”, with villagers unable to find a way to rescue survivors from the rubble of destroyed buildings and forcing them to watch them die.

“Many children have become orphans – they have lost their parents and even other elderly people in their families – and in other cases, people have lost all of their children.

“It’s disastrous.”

Yaqoub Khan, who lives in Jayan district, felt lucky to be alive, but saw more than a dozen men, women and children killed in his next door neighbour’s house.

“We were sleeping outdoors when the ground started shaking so badly,” Khan said, adding that he hurried to get his wife, children, parents and siblings out of the rooms before the roofs started to fall.

“Unfortunately, 17 people were martyred in my next-door neighbor’s house and similar tragedies occurred in the whole village.”

Mass graves of earthquake victims have been dug on top of a nearby hill in Gayan.

Orphan children sleeping outside Hundreds of Afghan children have been forced to sleep outside, their homes destroyed and their parents missing (Associated Press: Ibrahim Norouzi)

Salam al-Janabi, UNICEF Director of Communications, told ABC News that many children are sleeping outdoors at night, most without any parents or guardians who are feared dying in the earthquake.

“Between 120 and 150 children were killed. A lot of people we tried to contact and they are still trying to get the victims out from under the rubble,” he said.

Janabi said there are long-standing concerns about vulnerable families in the worst-affected areas of Afghanistan.

“We are really concerned about what will happen to the children who have lost their parents. So many children are now without parents or guardians and 80 per cent of the homes have been destroyed.”

Regarding rescue operations in Afghanistan, the UNICEF official said the outlook is bleak.

“The broader picture is that this is a country that has been in crisis for a long time and the past year has been very difficult for them [Afghanistan’s] people,” he said.

He added that UNICEF’s humanitarian appeal for children – launched last year – was only 26 per cent funded.

“We were able to respond quickly, but when you have issues like diarrhea and cholera, you need to invest a lot,” Al-Janabi said.

He said that some aid is gradually beginning to reach the remote and narrow valleys surrounding the rugged mountains of Afghanistan.

Afghan cricket star Rashid Khan, who plays for the BBL’s Adelaide Strikers, has started his own earthquake relief fund, announcing on Twitter that more than $40,000 ($58,000) has been raised.


Officials fear cholera will spread

The United Nations has warned that outbreaks of cholera in the wake of the earthquakes are of particular and serious concern.

On Friday, it said 500,000 cases of acute watery diarrhea had already been confirmed across the country.

The estimated cost of emergency relief for the six worst-affected districts of Afghanistan – with a plan to support the next three months – is more than US$15 million (US$22 million).

An earthquake emergency appeal is also being developed to ensure that the worst affected areas are prioritized, according to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.

Nizamuddin Katazi, head of Paktika Peace and Human Rights Organization, said the sanctions imposed on Afghanistan after Taliban takeover, rugged terrain, and extreme poverty, punished the entire rescue and relief operations.

The nearest town, Shrana, is only 130 kilometers away, but it takes nearly three hours to reach it, according to Mr. Katsui.

“I have documented at least 2,500 destroyed homes – mostly mud – and the community is so poor that they have lost almost everything they owned,” he said.

Catazi said medicine, food and shelter are immediately necessary to save lives, particularly women and children.

He feared that the death toll would rise much more.

“[The Taliban] They seem to be doing everything they can to help with the rescue, but there is an acute shortage of resources and expertise.”

He said it would need a “dignified and sustainable” international effort to restore a kind of normalcy to the earthquake survivors in Afghanistan.




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