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Welcome to The Gathering Earthquake – Arkells shook the earth with over 25,000 fans

Welcome to The Gathering Earthquake – Arkells shook the earth with over 25,000 fans


The rally returned victorious to the jubilant crowd at Tim Hortons Stadium on Saturday, packed with 25,000 fans who gathered to sing alongside Archangels at their biggest concert to date.

“This ain’t no show, this is Hamilton,” lead singer Max Kerman declared when the countdown to the rally on the Jumbotron ended.

The first man appeared in a full Archelas costume, a fringe jacket with “Years” written on the back, in reference to the concert’s opening song, “Years in the Making.” At the start of the show, Karman laid out some ground rules for the evening to make sure everyone got the most out of the experience.

Rule #1, you need to dance, and you need to let the spirit of live music take over your entire body. Rule #2, we should take care of each other. This show only works if you’re having a good time. Rule #3 Don’t wait. Announced About this show 843 days ago, it was canceled, postponed, and then canceled again.

In addition to the Arkells’ spirited performance and sweaty fans on a hot, hot Saturday, a sweet and romantic surprise took place on stage. Karman invited a newlywed couple to the audience for their first dance on the song “And Then Some”.

“This is a different kind of wedding dance,” Karman said as the couple danced on stage. “This is a wedding dance sung by 25,000 people.”

The set list has delighted every Arkells fan with their all-time favorites list. “Years In The Making” “Leather Jacket” “11:11” and “My Heart’s Always Yours” were sung by thousands of Arkellians in the crowd, at the top of their lungs. At a quick glance, one can tell that it is like an outdoor karaoke.

In an interview before The Rally, Karman talked about the band’s relationship with fans. They have been with us since the beginning and this is where we cut our teeth. We played in all the clubs in town and we played in Mohawk and McMaster. There is a real familiarity with our music and what we are up to. We are very fortunate that the band met in Hamilton, and that is where the band was born.”

On the big day, some fans lined up for hours to ensure a spot close to the stage. Heather Jones, who has been camping in line since 2 a.m., made her own cowboy hat for the prom.

“I spent a few hours putting the feathers on and tying the lights on. I’m so excited for the party. They’re our favorite band, it took me 10 years to see them alive for the first time and now that I’m getting on with it,” Jones said.

“Tony, you’re my main son. I’m so excited, it’s my third Rally in a row, let’s go boys!” said fan Trevor Peters.

Earlier in the day, the band members rode bikes with hundreds of fans from Gore Park to The Rally Market at Tim Hortons Field. A pre-show market was also held outside the stadium with food trucks, small businesses, charitable organizations, Hamilton Flea (a curated group of local artists) and a special collaboration with Ticats.

At the rally’s opening ceremony, JUNO and Polaris award-winner Havia Mighty won the hearts of Hamilton’s audience with Brampton’s hip-hop beats, dancers who raised the crowd and some trophies to the best dancers on earth. “Positivity, inclusivity and pride,” the singer said as she left the stage.

Followed by American singer K. Flay, she whipped her blue hair into harsh tracks and attached a matching guitar. After an emotional speech about the recent coup in Roe v. Wade, the crowd waved a wave of thousands of middle fingers into the air to show their disbelief at the Supreme Court’s decision.

In the last inaugural chapter, Mt. Joy honored the audience with familiar folk songs and made everyone dance before the long-awaited Arkells.

At the end of the show, Havia Mighty returned to the stage for the song “One Thing I Know” holding the flag of pride with Karman. For an appearance, he sang the cover of ABBA’s “Gimme Gimme” Reckoning with Mt. Joy and “You Can Get It” featuring K-Flay.

There’s no doubt that Hamilton missed Arkells, along with other fans who have traveled across the country to experience what The Rally is all about – friendship and live music. Enjoying a festival on a summer’s day among thousands of people can no longer be taken for granted.

“Silent,” Arkels said on Instagram after the concert.





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