Earthquakes with their epicenter in Azcalco are felt as far as Iztapalapa
Earthquakes detected two tremors. (Photo: Quartoscuro)
Friday night, July 3, and during the early hours of this Saturday, July 4, the National Seismological Service discovered two earthquakes felt in the mayor’s office of Iztalkalco in Mexico City and even in Iztapalapa, according to residents of both demarcations.
According to seismology, the strength of the first earthquake was 2.1 degrees southeast of Iztakalco. It was discovered at 22:05 hours, and its center is in demarcation of the borders, with a depth of 1 km.
While the second ritual movement recorded a size of 2.2, with a depth of 2 km. SSN revealed that the earthquake occurred 2 km from Iztalko, around 2:37.
Users on social networks confirmed that he felt in Iztapalapa. (Photo: special)
Social network users have reported in detail that the two earthquakes were noticeable. It was noted that the tremor 2.2 that was detected in the early morning was stronger.
Some people even indicated that they managed to realize this at the Iztapalapa Mayor’s Office.
“It felt like a very fast and powerful pull”; “In Astapalapa I felt”; “In Aztapalapa, if you feel the earth has jumped.” “Freaky, the house shook. »
According to the specialists, the capital movements of the capital come from a series of mistakes that cross the Valley of Mexico.
The country’s seismologists confirm that the Republic of Mexico is located in one of the most active seismic regions in the world and is located within the Ring Belt region, known as the “Ring of Fire”.
The “Ring of Fire” completely surrounds the Pacific Ocean, extending along the coasts of South America, Mexico and California to Alaska; Then it continues through the Aleutan Islands, before heading south through Japan and the East Indies. Most of the seismic energy is released in this region, and it releases between 80 and 90% of the Earth’s annual seismic energy.
In recent days, strong earthquakes have been detected in Mexico. (Photo: .)
For this reason, the high earthquakes in the country are mainly due to the interaction between the plates of North America, Cocos, the Pacific Ocean, Reva and the Caribbean, as well as the defects that extend in many states.
Especially Chiapas, Guerrero, Oaxaca, Michoacan, Colima and Jalisco, which are the countries with the highest seismic rate in the Republic of Mexico due to the interaction of Cocos and Rivera oceanographic plates that are subject to those in North America and the Caribbean on the Pacific coast in front of these states, as well Through this same procedure, the states of Veracruz, Tlaxcala, Morelos, Puebla, Nuevo Leon, Sonora, Baja California Sur, Baja California Sur and the Federal District are affected.
Seismic activity studies in Mexico date back to 1910 when the Mexican Seismic Network was launched and from that date until today continuous monitoring of tremors has been maintained, and its records are kept at the Takobaya Seismic Station and other facilities. The Institute of Geophysics of the UNAM Institute, in charge of operating the National Seismic Service (SSN) and its network of 35 seismic stations.
In recent weeks, more intense earthquakes have been recorded in the country, on June 23, 2020, a 7.5-magnitude earthquake shook Mexico, a movement that caused damage to buildings, homes, landslides, deaths, and endless aftershocks.
While the most recent was revealed on July 2. Its intensity was 5.5 degrees, and its center was 22 kilometers southeast of Pinotiba Nacional, in the state of Oaxaca.
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