What should I do if an earthquake happens today?
It is recommended to eat non-perishable foods for a week.
British Columbians, especially those living along the province's south coast, knew that a magnitude 9 earthquake — a major one — would hit the region sometime in the future.
Much of its coming of age comes from the oral histories of indigenous people on the West Coast, including Kuuya GyaaGandal, known as the sacred one who stands and moves; The story of the earthquake; The Nininigamł, or earthquake mask.
The oral traditions of Indigenous communities in British Columbia are the best resources for transmitting knowledge of events that occurred many generations ago, says Sarah Schneiderman, an associate professor in the Department of Anthropology at the University of British Columbia (UBC).
Over the past 20 years, scientists have discovered that British Columbia is located in the Cascadia subduction zone, Schneiderman says. This earthquake would shake high-rise buildings – causing severe damage or collapse – in the lower part of the mainland.
In fact, Schneiderman says she's concerned for individuals living in “technically illegal housing,” typically basement units.
“The question is, what are people living in such a situation actually entitled to in terms of any kind of compensation or resettlement support, if they are not already living in a legal situation? This applies to all kinds of people, including students here in University of British Columbia, as well as young professionals and so on, because of fundamental issues with the type of housing and zoning code that have not been updated, and have not been articulated in the disaster planning policy.” .
“The buildings most at risk in Vancouver are what are often classified as heritage buildings. They were built using unreinforced masonry. For example, a lot of the old schools as well as the landmark homes are not up to contemporary building standards… Many older buildings are simply not “It's resilient in the way it should be, and that's what will disappear if we get a big earthquake.”
How can Metro Vancouver residents prepare for the supposedly big event?
Schneiderman, like many experts, recommends having an emergency kit. Although supplies may vary, the British Columbia government recommends a week's supply of non-perishable foods, with a handy can opener; Four liters of water per person per day for drinking and sanitation purposes.
Municipalities also offer free workshops for people to create their own groups.
The UBC professor also recommends finding out if one's housing complies with the building code.
“If you own your own home, check if it's up to code. People may not want to do it because it could be a big financial burden. If not, but if you're interested and if you're renovating the house anyway, it's a good combination.” It's a question to ask and I think a lot of people don't think that way.
“If you rent, this is also something you can ask landlords about. Again, this may not give you the space you want.”
Schneiderman points out that research shows that community members come together to help each other in the aftermath of disasters.
“If you already know your neighbors who might need help, and you're in a position to offer that, that's very helpful. The people who are already most vulnerable are the ones most at risk: older people who live alone, people who are poor, or otherwise marginalized.” From members of the community.”
More than anything, Schneiderman advises Metro Vancouver residents to learn about resilience planning in their city. For example, in addition to the emergency kit, the City of Vancouver has 25 sites where people can gather after an earthquake or other natural disaster – identifiable by yellow signs.
Sources 2/ https://www.bowenislandundercurrent.com/weatherhood-local/how-metro-vancouverites-can-prepare-for-the-big-one-6806752 The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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