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The horrific photos show Kim Jong Un’s secret nuclear base days after the United Nations announced that North Korea had nuclear weapons ready for ballistic missiles.


Satellite photos show Kim Jong Un’s secret weapons development base days after the United Nations revealed that it now has nuclear devices that can be attached to ballistic missiles.

The images – from screens at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) – show an alarming escalation of activity at the uranium concentration plant in Pyeongsan, North Korea.


New satellite images from North Korea’s chemical plants show an escalation in nuclear weapons activity

Expert analysts say the images reveal “North Korea’s ability to develop its nuclear weapons program.”

“The Uranium Concentration Center plant is located in Pyeongsan, about 45 kilometers from the DMZ in North Korea,” said Victor Cha of CSIS, Senior Adviser and President of Korea.

“It produces concentrated uranium – the feedstock for fueling North Korea’s nuclear reactors through which to reprocess fissile material – both plutonium and uranium are used in their nuclear weapons programs.”

He said the new images give multiple evidence that North Korea is quietly developing its controversial nuclear program, The Express reported.

“Among the most prominent activities that have been seen is expanding the piles of waste. The piles of waste are the rocks left after you have already extracted the ore that contains uranium in it,” he said.

“It is difficult to determine the number of nuclear weapons North Korea possesses based on activity at this facility,” he added.


Photo taken from the Center for Strategic and International Studies that monitors rogue state: CSIS


Kim Jong Un has made no secret of his troubling ambitions to acquire nuclear weapons Credit: AFP or the licensors AFP or the licensors

“What we know from looking at this facility is that its activity tells us that nuclear fuel continues to produce these reactors, which only means that they have the ability to expand their nuclear bombs instead of abandoning them.”

Earlier this week, intelligence reported that the isolated country had the ability to use nuclear-armed missiles to strike the US mainland and other targets in the West.

The report, seen by Reuters, stated that a number of unknown countries believe that the nuclear tests carried out in recent years have likely enabled them to develop miniature nuclear devices.

It was filed on Monday to the 15-member UN Sanctions Committee on North Korea.


A UN report said North Korea has “likely” developed nuclear devices to accommodate ballistic missiles, Credit: CSIS

The committee was formed by a United Nations resolution to collect information and monitor North Korea’s attempts to acquire a nuclear weapon after its first nuclear test in 2006.

And the imposition of the same decision – since strengthened – sanctions aimed at deterring the regime.

North Korea is known to have conducted six nuclear tests in total, one in 2006, 2009 and 2013, two in 2016 and one in 2017.

It is now claimed that a small natural earthquake detected in North Korea on Wednesday was most likely a result of the seismic instability remaining from the 2017 test.

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A 2.5-magnitude earthquake was detected in Hamgyeong County, the site of North Korea’s Punggye-ri nuclear test site, according to the South Korean Meteorological Administration.

The administration said in a statement on its website: “It was a natural earthquake, most likely due to the sixth nuclear test.”

“The area is about three kilometers (1.86 mi) southeast of the sixth nuclear test site.”

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