Seattle Sounders vs. San Jose Earthquakes, Talking Points: Palette Cleaner
Seattle – This is one way to get rid of the bitter taste of defeat.
The Seattle Sounders were eager to return to the field after a disappointing home loss to their hated opponent from the South on Sunday. After exiting MLS, a comeback with 7 points out of a possible nine (with 4 of those on the way), Portland’s loss was a wake-up call in MLS, sluggish performance could be penalized.
So, when the Saunders and San Jose Earthquakes got off the ground, coach Brian Schmitzer wanted to see his team uplift and move it into a team sinking last in the Western Conference.
And he considered that they had done so, to coincide with a historic 7-1 defeat that was not close to the indicated result. The arcs from Raul Ruydiaz and Juven Jones, as well as goals from Jordan Morris, Kelvin Leardam and Joao Paulo, propelled the Saunders to first place in the Western Conference. The Sounders are now waiting for MLS to announce a schedule for the next phase of games (rumored to be announced on Friday) as well as the make-up game opposite LA Galaxy. Without a game to play at least next week, the Sounders will be able to enjoy that performance for a little while.
It took three chances to get there, but the Sounders shut down their portion of this stage of reboot sitting on top of the Western Conference. Given that the goal difference between them is eight better than anyone else at the conference, it’s hard to say that they don’t belong here. Interestingly, they have yet to play any of the three teams (Sporting KC, Minnesota United and Los Angeles Galaxy) directly behind them.
We’ll take that up later, but San Jose Matias Almeida’s defense system relies on its players staying close to the player facing them. One of the potential fatal flaws is when these players are defeated by dribbling. Enter Jordan Morris, who put on a brilliant performance. Throughout the night he was running close to the defenders, spinning the ball and dribbling towards the goal, making himself generally unplayable at night. Morris opened the scoring in the 4 minute through 60 yards through a San Jose defense who barely seemed interested in trying to block him. His left end after Daniel Vega was composed (and appended more of a gritty narration), setting a tone – and theme – for the game.
Let’s be honest, San Jose is not a good team, and when you combine that with what appears to be a flawed game plan (or one that has been discovered), you will likely end up with a twisted score. When Mathias Almeida first appeared on the scene, the unconventional tagging system gave teams spells (Saunders had struggled with it as recently as the NFL Championship). But it looks like the book may be out of order, as Quakes has given up 16 goals in four matches since his return from MLS. Time and time again, the Sounders have used their speed and quality on the ball to chop and chop earthquake defense. With Nicolas Ludero, Joao Paolo and Christian Roldan pressing in midfield, Nuho and Kelvin Lairdam had field days leading up and attacking the earthquake defense line when the ball flipped.
Joevin Jones has some heartbreak from fans for what they sometimes see as somewhat negative play given his large skill set. This might be a little unfair, but when you see a performance like this, you might understand the frustration. Jones had what could only be described as an impressive performance, as he scored two goals and two passes from the right wing position and appeared to be in the middle of it all. Jones was active in the attacking half, using his ball skills to hold the ball and spring attacks to his teammates. It was a inspiring performance from the position, and it sure gives Schmetzer a few things to think about when planning his formations.
Can you summon a performance-like factor when you score two goals and help achieve two more? Honestly, it’s just a testament to the pure insanity of this game that Ruedas’ performance might fall under the radar. The Peruvian international bounced back from his mediocre performance against Portland to basically put the game out of reach in 12 minutes, finishing a great mix between Joevin Jones and Nico Lodeiro. Ruidiaz turned the game into laughter in the 33rd minute, as he scored his second goal with a superb pass from Maurice, splitting the Earthquakes defense and leaving the Peruvian international to shoot a ball past Vega. Ruidiaz now has seven goals a season, five of which have come to the top of the league since the teams returned from MLS.
This could be something new: The Sounders Xavier Arreaga center back is now called in to make mistakes when the attackers step foot. The Ecuadorian was enjoying a strong performance when he stepped up to hit striker Tommy Thompson late in the match. Arreaga appeared to beat Thompson to space on the court, which was confirmed when replays showed Thompson stepped on his foot. This was apparently enough for Referee Allen Chapman to decide Ariga was the offender rather than the ball, and he made the point. Chris Wondolovsky turned, insulting earthquakes avoided closure at the head of a hit in the reception of seven goals.
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