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Weatherman Lotus at the Festival of Wizards and Fun Theories


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Needless to say, the volatile position of Sonoma Lotus has heightened the fire by arousing suspicion among Kashmiri activists on social media platforms. So did the message from the Indian Air Force.

Tuesday evening, at 21:40:29 India Standard Time, Srinagar and the surrounding areas were rocked by what many call a “sonic” boom. People rushed out of their homes to find their panic multiplied by loud confusion about the cause of the great noise.

Social media has proliferated as Kashmiris post about the disturbing tremor, trying to find the meaning behind it all. Speculation about it being a “ blast ” found credence in the recent letter of the Indian Air Force announcing that it was conducting a massive demolition exercise of 100 to 120 kilograms of bombs in Srinagar.

Tensions and rumors were exacerbated when Srinagar’s director of meteorology, Sunom Lotus, spoke to a news channel saying “It could be anything, but it’s not an earthquake.”

Interestingly, after the first 45 minutes of panic – actual or otherwise – following the mysterious tremor, Sonoma Lotus announced at 10.25 PM that it was “an earthquake”.

He sent a one-line message via his official WhatsApp account: “Friends were an earthquake.” Besides, also presented earthquake parameters (EQ) – magnitude: 3.6; Date: 22.09.2020; Time: 21:40:29 India Time; Latitude: 34.15N; Longitude: 74.70 East. Depth: 5 km. Area: Srinagar, J&K.

Nevertheless, people across the virtual world – Kashmiris in particular – were able to make the most of this short period of uncertainty as they filled these spaces with creative memes, videos, and satirical writing.

Situation in Ouizouane, royal disdain for the earthquake-like blast. Wasta, my mom Pat Cha Gushtab. Kya karave Fazool kharchi, tave chi yi gasaan, talsa yeth tarv raas katrie!

– naseerganai (@naseerganai) September 22, 2020

Surprisingly, even a day after the official announcement of how the tremor originated from the “ earthquake, ” platforms like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram kept the conversation about it alive. This was largely because most of the tweets and posts were investigating recent statements and current affairs to calculate timing and reason behind the vibrating noise.

Needless to say, the volatile position of Sonoma Lotus has heightened the fire by arousing suspicion among Kashmiri activists on social media platforms. So did the message from the Indian Air Force.

However, regardless of the doubts, and laughing at the fickle of the commissioned official, the Kashmiris indulged in some wet jokes and inside jokes.

Apple’s AirPods Pro noise cancellation fails here. # Srinagar #earthquake #boom

– Azhar Parvez (@azharparvaiz_) September 22, 2020

Don’t be afraid that the # 4G explosion is not a #quake in Srinagar, now forget about # 4G # Srinagar # EarthquakePH # Restore4GinJK #KashmiriLivesMatter #kashmir

– Mohamed Wasim (@ chemistry004) September 22, 2020

Some of my favorite people were –

There have been a few exclusive shows for “The President (s)” –

#earthquake #Srinagar While Sonam Lotus on these earthquakes like tremors:

– Sheikh Basit (@ SB2weets) September 22, 2020

Two different statements from Sonum Lotus in a few minutes about recent shakes.


– Bin Ahsan’s Carpets (Ajsajdebnahsan) September 22, 2020

It was an earthquake that Sonom Lotus did not feel

– Faizan Flood (faizan_ul_haq) September 22, 2020

In any way, a group of important participants in this digital exchange were people using “earthquake” as a metaphor to highlight the increasingly inclusive workings of the current official setting in the valley.

Imagine an earthquake with a magnitude of 2.8 or 3.0 on the Richter scale and its epicenter in Pakistan or Afghanistan hits entire Kashmir along with Delhi and an earthquake with its epicenter in #Srinagar and 3.6 magnitude cannot be felt in Anantnag, Shopian or North Kashmir. #NoUlluBanawing

– Diba Ashraf (@deeba_ashraf) September 22, 2020

Only Kashmir has claimed earthquakes.

Perhaps the only place traffic police have assault rifles, is a tourist destination and a war zone, which has lavender gardens and torture centers side by side.

The dichotomy between alleged peace and violence could not become more apparent.

– Judge Zaid (@ qazizaid89) September 23, 2020

In Kashmir, as Kashmiris, we are not supposed to say that the massive and brutal noise was like an explosion. We must say it was an earthquake. Next, we have to substantiate our alleged claims with official quotes, earthquake photo with officially approved headline!

– Johar Gilani (@GowharGeelani) September 22, 2020

Masla does not mean that we survived the fear of this explosion … masla is that those #Kashmiris who will now say that it is not an earthquake will have to face the anger of the J&K Cyber ​​police for not pulling out and tweeting the official version of the earthquake of Dc Sahab!

This is called Tawanas Lagoon!

– Shazia Bakshi Shazia (Hasziya) September 22, 2020

Just a normal day in Kashmir #Kashmir

– Ghazal Qadri (@ GhazalQadri1) September 22, 2020

A basic research and five minutes of scrolling for any viewer showed that an overwhelming and almost noticeable majority of Kashmiris rejected the management and Lotus (final) version of the episode. This collective rejection of Kashmiris on social media has caught the attention of many.

Is it an earthquake or an air explosion? We don’t know yet. But one thing is for sure that Kashmiris do not even trust the meteorology department in Sarkar now! The way in which the reception is changing also raises suspicion. This is after August 5th!

– Salman Nizami (SalmanNizami_) September 22, 2020

Such is the trust deficit between the Kashmiris and the Indian administration that even an earthquake is called into question.

– Tony Ashai (@tonyashai) September 23, 2020

Less skeptical Kashmiris were conveying a warning from the European Mediterranean Seismic Center (EMSC). It is an independent scientific organization established in 1975 on the recommendation of the European Committee for Seismology. Its official tweet at 10:20 pm that “tremors have been reported” in Srinagar.

Shaking was reported in #Srinagar # India 35 minutes ago. Here is the map of eyewitness reports. Often the cause of the vibration is the earthquake but sometimes it is due to a breach of the sound barrier. Stay safe

– EMSC (LastQuake) September 22, 2020

Prior to this tweet, an EMSC account wizard mistakenly wrote but comically that the shaking lasted for 20 minutes in town – spinning a web of backlash and backlash.

Sorry I meant 20 minutes AGO! The sound has been widely reported. It is not unusual when you are within close range of an earthquake. As I said, we have no reason at this point to believe that it is not an earthquake.

– EMSC (LastQuake) September 22, 2020

Omg, can you imagine an earthquake that lasted for 20 minutes ???

– Double Deelite (@ doubledeelite7) September 22, 2020

Around the same time period, the Independent Authority also made an effort to justify countering “earthquake declarations” by suggesting from their access to eyewitness accounts that “shaking” is often caused by earthquakes. But she also acknowledged the possibility that some “military aircraft” were responsible, as she likened the Srinagar boom to the tragic explosion in the Beirut port in a tweet.

What was reported is a level vibration (as reported by eyewitnesses). In the vast majority of cases, they are caused by earthquakes. However, sometimes it is due to warplanes breaking through the sound barrier, we had a meteorite and the explosion of Beirut port 1/2

– EMSC (LastQuake) September 22, 2020

So, do we consider Sonum Lotus’s “technical” statement prior to his announcement on WhatsApp as a careless – but huge – oversight / Freudian slip or just an incompetence?

Maybe he was right the first time or maybe he wasn’t. Everyone awaits more reports and expert results.

In the meantime, we wonder if EMSC has misinformation about the most well-known and used script in the valley. His account usually tweets alerts about the area with the hashtag of the word “earthquake” in the native language of the region.

In their enthusiasm (out of place), not only did they tweet with a major misspelling, but they also spelled the word “earthquake” as “bokamp” in the Devanagiri text of Kashmir that speaks Kashur / Urdu.

I felt the #earthquake (# भूकंप) hit M3.6 11 km northwest of # Srīnagar (#India) 43 minutes ago. Please report to:

– EMSC (LastQuake) September 22, 2020

Even the new draft Jammu and Kashmir Official Languages ​​Bill, which has not yet become law, has not hinted at the overlapping of a single text in its text yet.

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Sanika Athavali


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