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Time for Daniel Vega to step down as San Jose Earthquakes start their goalkeeper?


Danielle Vega played 46 of his last 47 regular season matches for the MLS season at San Jose Earthquakes, and the Argentine veteran was one of Matthias Almeida’s first names on the team roster.

But is it time for a permanent goalkeeper change?

Vega saved 42 saves and allowed 37 goals in 12 league games this year. Read this sentence again. It’s a really cool number.

The 36-year-old is not the only reason why earthquakes have fallen to the bottom of the Western Conference, as he has not scored any wins in eight games in the regular season and should in no way be considered the main scapegoat. However, if change is required and the team is constrained by external factors or their own desires, replacing Vega, most likely with JT Marcinkowski waiting patiently in the wings, is a logical change.

If you are considering:

Almeida will not change his tactical style, even through this brutal stretch of record losses. The team will not make a buying spree – arguably at this point in the season, the team can use reinforcements, for sure, but those player (s) are not going to change the team now anyway. Defense is crushed by injuries, so who knows how long the team continues to carry four goalkeepers on the list, which is something most MLS teams don’t do and Vega wasn’t playing great anyway …

… then the only immediate change that can be made at this point is to grab Vega. Again, he’s not the only culprit, with defensive injuries and a general weakness ahead of him definitely contribute to lopsided losses, but at this point, what’s the upside to keeping him in the squad?

One of the habits that Vega has that can be very costly is that at times when he does saves, he leaves a rebound that the opponents can pounce on to score. Most recently, this happened last week against Portland Timbers.

This isn’t the first time he’s made exactly this mistake.

Once again, it is worth noting that the San Jose defense did not render Vega any favors. I don’t think putting Marcinkowski as a permanent start will completely transform Earthquakes’ fortunes and turn losses into victories, especially if they are conceding more than 5 goals per match at this point.

But if Vega is 36 years old, he is a curvy player and is currently stuck in a slump with his team, it makes sense to make Marcinkowski the initiator. The reason for the team is twofold – if Marcinkowski turns out to be an immediate upgrade, that definitely helps San Jose. And if he also has shaky moments, it makes sense to let him take his mass now more of a new season with high expectations, right?

By all accounts, Vega was a great earthquake supporter and leader, and he looks like a really nice guy. But if earthquakes will neither change their tactics nor change their list, options for making changes that could improve their fate become severely limited. In this context, removing Vega as a start is one of the few possible changes, and worth it or not, it seems that now is the time.

What do you think? Leave a comment below.

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