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Div Comm Biswas reviews earthquake preparedness in Ladakh –


Emphasis on volunteer training and the decentralized deployment of resources

Leh: Amidst a series of light to moderate earthquakes in the Ladakh region over the past few days, Division Commissioner Ladakh Sogat Biswas stressed the readiness requirements of all relevant departments in the Utah administration, as well as the Army, Air Force and Paramilitary Forces. BRO. Speaking at a meeting held to discuss earthquake risk management, Biswas emphasized the importance of taking timely preparedness and mitigation measures to reduce risks at every possible level.

District Judge / Chief DDMA Leh Sachin Kumar Vaishya and District Judge / Chairman DDMA Kargil Baser-ul-Haq Chaudhary have informed of their readiness in terms of the current mechanism and manpower deployment to cope with the emergency. Police, Army, BRO, HIMANK, VIJAYAK, Air Force, 8 Mountain Div, UTDRF, Health, Energy, Food, R & B, PWD and BSNL officers have reported their disaster preparedness phase. The various coordination issues were also touched upon during the meeting.

DIG Ladakh Police BS Tuti briefed the readiness of Ladakh Police and Civil Defense, and home guards, and also provided his input regarding vulnerability mapping, use of GIS and other contemporary search and rescue methods.

Division Commissioner Biswas has directed each of the Regional Directors to promptly review current disaster preparedness plans in their districts and re-check stock readiness at each deployment site. Decentralized Deployment Order with UTDRF to serve every vulnerable site. Also, emergency centers / accident command centers will be operated by district judges immediately. In order not to interrupt the communication during any eventuality, it was decided to equip each Sub-circuit Judge and Tehsildars with satellite phones.

The commissioner of the department directed the modernization of disaster mitigation operations and asked the concerned officers to purchase winter rescue suits, modern communication devices, lights, machines and equipment immediately with the aim of professionalizing disaster management in addition to community halls or shelters, and the availability of food along with other basic facilities as discussed. in detail.

Detailed discussion took place on associated disasters such as landslides, avalanches, flash floods and fires, and directives were issued for mapping vulnerable sites, deployment plan, evacuation and information sharing to facilitate rapid access to places for immediate action in case of eventuality.

Div Com Biswas also sought to prepare for the medical and health sector as the chair was updated by Director of Health Dr. Phunchok Angchuk that the medical team is ready with available equipment and additional medicines. The President gave directives for the early assessment of required stocks and emphasized ensuring the decentralized deployment of ambulances and providing them with basic health facilities, including heating systems.

The President was also briefed on the readiness and action plan of the SDRF in the event of any unfavorable situation. An extensive discussion on volunteer training was also held as the President gave directions to SP and UTDRF Kameshwar Puri to engage Sarpanches and Lambardars at the grassroots level to mobilize volunteers for training purposes which would be very helpful during any disaster situation.

It is decided that the district judges will start a large-scale publicity campaign to educate people about the safety measures to be followed in the event of an earthquake.

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