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New Ministry launched in Pembina Valley


On January 7, 2020, an earthquake measuring 6.4 on the Richter scale jolted southern Puerto Rico in the early morning hours, causing massive damage to the region.

In response to the disaster, Reverend Harold Espinosa, Alicia Hildebrand, Anita Ruddy and Kylie Peters traveled to the island in February. Working in partnership with Pastor Rosendo, they visited affected areas and distributed hygiene products and other necessities and toys.

This experience inspired Pastor Espinosa and Anita Ruddy to create an organization that works in partnership with local missionaries, organizations and churches both locally and abroad to reach the marginalized in our world for the sake of Christ.

Sixteen13 the Ministry was born.

The ministry’s mission at Winkler is to partner with local churches and support them internationally to create ministries and organizations to reach the marginalized within local communities, and to improve personal, social and economic development.

The goal of the ministry is to provide and develop existing ministries to support children in other countries; To support the missionaries. To provide humanitarian relief and poverty alleviation; To create ministries; To develop and empower strong partnerships with the indigenous church; To provide effective training and apprenticeships; To represent good resource management; To build strong relationships with supporters; To lead through service, provision and operation of housing, reception centers, schools, job creation, improvement and support for communities in other countries

“We are very new, but we are just excited to serve,” said Pastor Espinosa. “It’s unique, because what we do, for example, a church cannot send a missionary … We actually have to go to an organization, send that organization’s money and then nominate that to some missionaries. We prepare our missionaries, we go with missionaries. We pray with the missionaries. “

The goal of the ministry is to support the organizations, not only financially, but also in a practical and spiritual way by sending teams of volunteers from Pembina Valley, medical supplies and aid, school supplies, bibles, childcare, and building reception centers. And other forms of assistance to areas of need.

“We also work with the hard of hearing,” said Espinosa, “who are the missionaries who reach hard-of-hearing Christian schools to the people.” “For example, in Puerto Rico, we have Betsy Hawk who has been working there since 1984 and her organization, the World Mission for the Deaf, is now nearing completion. Since I have known them for 30 years, their missionaries will now come and work with us, so we can send and equip them.”

“We will also take care of children, as children from different countries with hearing impairment, children without hearing loss who can hear, and all kinds of different children can be taken care of,” Espinosa added. “We are working with the Department of Crypt in Puerto Rico where we will look for a local missionary to go ahead and take over the basement there, and to serve and equip them as bunker ministries. To help them reach children in that country, or whatever country we reach, as in preaching the gospel and helping the local church. Be a stronger beacon of light by providing them with everything they need from the Bible and videos that help others in their struggle. “

The ministry is currently focusing on Uganda, Puerto Rico, El Salvador, Israel and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The ministry also wants to return the favor to the local community in Winkler and the surrounding area by working in partnership with local ministries such as Bunker and Children’s Camps International.

“We’ll walk with Bunker, walk with Children Camps International and other organizations that need help.” Espinosa said. We were looking for volunteers to help them do things. For example, we used to do a softball tournament in August for international kids camps. What we do in 2021, if all goes well in August, we will start it again, and we will go back to doing it and find all these people in this community with their talents and talents, because not everyone has the same gift. “

“We all have different gifts. Some people are fascinated by softball. These are the people we need to volunteer, so organizations like Bunker, like Children’s Camps International and other organizations that don’t have a church behind them, but have a community behind them. So we’re going to work locally, and do a lot more.” From local assistance to running affairs in the ministries. “


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