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Kīlauea volcano in Hawaii returns dramatically with first volcanic eruption in two years | Smart news


Earlier this week, Kīlauea volcano on Big Island of Hawaii – one of the most active volcanoes in the world – erupted for the first time in more than two years.

Over the past few weeks, the United States Geological Survey’s Hawaiian Volcano Observatory has detected more frequent small earthquakes and sub-volcano movements, indicating that something was moving underground. Finally, on Sunday night, the observatory detected a glow in the Halema’uma’u crater at the top of the volcano. Then, the walls of the crater began to crack as lava emerged sizzling from the cracks and fell into the water-filled crater below, according to Jenna Bryner of Live Science.

Scientists discovered earlier this year that water had been gathering in the Halimao Crater since July 2019. They predicted that this new pond could eventually lead to more explosive eruptions in the future because when lava meets water, it causes an accumulation of steam and pressure. It can provoke a more powerful reaction.

This is exactly what happened on Sunday night. Lava emerged from cracks and flowed down into the crater until the water boiled, turning the night sky into a fiery swirl of gas, ash, and steam. One of the cracks even dropped a fountain of lava 165 feet into the air, according to Live Science. Ultimately, what was once a water lake has turned into a newly formed lava lake, according to the Weather Channel.

Happening now: a new eruption of Kīlauea volcano inside Halemaʻumaʻu

See live webcams inside Halemaʻumaʻu, courtesy of the USGS Hawaiian Volcano Observatory:

– Hawaii Volcanoes NPS (@Volcanoes_NPS) December 21, 2020

About an hour after Kīlauea erupted, a 4.4-magnitude earthquake shook the southern part of the volcano. Then the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory issued a red alert, which means an eruption is imminent, according to a Jacqueline Diaz report to NPR. The Hawaiian County Civil Defense Agency later ordered residents to stay indoors to avoid ash drippings, which can irritate the eyes and lungs, according to Gizmodo’s Dharna Noor report. But by Monday noon, the risk had diminished, and the alert level was raised, according to the Weather Channel.

“The lava appears to be decreasing, but the emission of steam and gases from the crater remains the same,” Cyrus Jonasen, a spokesperson for the Hawaiian County Civil Defense Agency, told Kristen Hauser for the New York Times. “ The lava is not moving anywhere. [The agency was still] Monitoring the air quality, which is the only thing of immediate concern at this time. “

The recent Klauea eruption poses little danger to the public – although it is still ongoing – because the lava has gathered in the crater rather than flowing down the mountain, according to a Caleb Jones report to the Associated Press. In comparison, when Kīlauea volcano erupted in 2018, it released the lava of 320,000 Olympic-sized pools that gushed for four months, destroying more than 700 homes.

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