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The school building that struck the tsunami will reopen as a memorial in April


A public elementary school building in northeastern Japan where more than 80 students and teachers lost their lives in the 2011 tsunami is scheduled to open in April as a memorial to those affected by the disaster.

Okawa Primary School in Miyagi Prefecture, located about 4 kilometers from the coast, will contain an area where visitors can pray for the victims as well as exhibits reminiscent of the disaster that struck the area on March 11, 2011.

A photo taken from a drone on December 28, 2020, shows the building that struck the tsunami of Okawa Elementary School in Ishinomaki, Miyagi Prefecture. (Kyodo)

Ishinomaki city government decided in March 2016 to keep the school. But opinions are divided among residents, with some bereaved families saying they cannot stand the sight of the building.

Several of the school’s 108 students were instructed by teachers to stay in the school grounds for approximately 50 minutes after the magnitude 9 earthquake off the coast of northeastern Japan.

A huge tsunami arrived at the school after they began evacuating to a nearby hill, killing 70 students, 10 teachers and officials. Four students are still missing.

“I want people all over the country to know what happened under the supervision of the school at Okawa Elementary School,” said Sunumi Sato, 24, who lost her sister in school.

In March 2014, families of 23 students filed a compensation lawsuit against provincial and city governments, arguing that the school should have implemented better measures to combat the tsunami.

The school sat 1.5 meters above sea level near a river. The city risk map at the time did not identify the school as being in an area that would be affected by the tsunami.

A Japanese Supreme Court ruled that the deaths could have been prevented if the city and county updated an emergency plan and ordered governments to pay about 1.43 billion yen ($ 13.7 million). The ruling was completed in 2019 after the Supreme Court rejected the government’s appeal.

In the ten years following the earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear disaster, numerous memorials and monuments have been preserved in the most affected areas to ensure that lessons learned are passed on to future generations. However, efforts to create such monuments were not always without problems.

A file photo taken on April 8, 2011, shows the pleasure boat “Hamayuri” being swept away by a tsunami on the roof of a lodge. (Kyodo)

Demolition work began on Monday in a two-story building where a 28-meter sightseeing boat was washed off its roof after the tsunami in Utsuchi, Iwate Prefecture.

The boat, which was estimated at around 200 tons at the time of the disaster, was shot down in May 2011 and scrapped. The city had hoped to recreate the accident by placing a boat over the building, which was being used as a guest house at the time, as a memorial.

However, the city was unable to raise enough funds, receiving only 1 percent of its 450 million yen target, and decided to abandon the plan last year.

Town council members said at the time that not enough support had been gathered due to a lack of publicity for these efforts.


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