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Explanation of earthquakes in the Reykjanes Peninsula

Explanation of earthquakes in the Reykjanes Peninsula


Fagradalsfjall Mountain. Jóhannesson

“In the last year and until now this year, there has been a significant increase in seismic activity in the Reykjanes Peninsula,” Pal Einarsson, a geophysicist and professor emeritus, told Morgonblajic, speaking of the region in southwest Iceland that has seen thousands of earthquakes since February 24. This jump in seismic activity is thought to be due to the arrival of magma into the Earth’s crust.

“It is not usual for seismic activity to make such a big jump during such a long period of time,” he says. Tension builds up gradually. Then, part of it is loosened when a part of the area exceeds the rupture limit, causing an earthquake. Once there is liquid, in this case magma, in the Earth’s crust, then [the crust] Weakens, and anything can break. ”

This chain of events did not begin last month, but rather in December of 2019, when a swarm of earthquakes struck Fagradalsfjall. Until then, the mountain was not in the spotlight. Therefore, this swarm of earthquakes was considered a coincidence.

Subsequently, magma intrusions occurred near Mount Þorbjörn, by the town of Grindavík, last year. It appears that this has affected the region greatly.

Then, we had a small one [magma] The storming of February 24 this year, which caused a major earthquake [of magnitude 5.7]After that, all hell broke out, “Pal explains.

He believes that the current earthquake swarm can be explained by the interaction of tension, which has accumulated at the tectonic boundaries of North America and the Eurasian tectonic plates (which lie across the Rikgan Peninsula), and the intrusion of magma.

“We are familiar with magma dams of this size, and there were many of them during the Kravela eruptions.” [The Krafla eruptions in Northeast Iceland began in December of 1975 and lasted until September, 1984.]

“They were not accompanied by seismic activity of this magnitude,” Pal continues. On the Rikgan Peninsula, he says, “The energy in earthquakes originates from the movement of tectonic plates, while the magma barrier acts as a catalyst over the entire system and causes everything to be broken by any tension at all.”

To date, there are no signs of magma chamber formation under the Reykjanes Peninsula. Magma appears to rise through a channel and build up in the magma dam alone. Páll resembles the shape of a table top magma dam, with a thickness of two to two meters, which stands upright. The upper edge is at a depth of 1 km, and the tabletop extends to a depth of 4-5 km.

While a magma dam does not grow for longer, it will likely get thicker. But how likely is the magma to tear the roof and reach the surface?

“This is just a matter of how much magma and how long it continues to flow,” says Pal. “It can stop. There are examples of this. We had 20 dams of this magma during the eruption of the Kravla volcano, and nine of them reached the surface, triggering a volcano. The largest of them did not.”

According to the physics, he adds, a portion of the magma in the magma blocking must have begun to solidify. It takes a few days or weeks for the magma to solidify at this thickness. It has been three weeks since the magma began to flow, so the thin portions of the magma dam should have now frozen.


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