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Scientists dig holes on the coast of Waiaraba to understand the history of the earthquake and tsunami


Wednesday, April 14, 2021 11:57 a.m. Press release: Earthquake Commission

Scientists have begun digging several pits along the southern coast of Weirarapa to uncover secrets of previous earthquakes and tsunamis to better understand future risks for the Greater Wellington region.

The research near Cape Palliser is part of It’s Our Fault, a project funded by the Earthquake Commission (EQC), Wellington City Council and Wellington District Office of Emergency Management that studies earthquake risks in the area to help communities prepare for a natural disaster.

The distinct natural terraces along the rugged Cape Palliser coast are testament to the tremendous forces that have propelled the sea floor to the surface over the centuries, as seen in Kaikōura in 2016.

“There is strong visual evidence in Cape Palliser and this research will tell us when these earthquakes occurred and hopefully what caused them,” says GNS Science seismic geologist and project leader, Dr. Nicola Litchfield.

Dr. Litchfield says: “As we dig holes, we are looking for clams that died in every event, and by determining the date of those shells with carbon, we can determine when these earthquakes occurred.”

The area was hit by an 11-meter-high tsunami in 1855 as a result of an 8.2-magnitude Wairaraba earthquake, and scientists are working with IUI to identify other previous earthquakes.

“We will work closely with local archaeologists and Iwe because this site has significant remains of ancient Maori settlements,” says Dr. Litchfield.

“It is not clear why and when the local Maori residents left this area, but some archaeologists believe that the sudden departure may have been caused by a tsunami, so it will be interesting to see if we can learn more about it.”

Litchfield explains that scientists have done a lot of similar work along the eastern coast of North Island and the top of the South Island to learn more about the Hicurangi subduction zone and other smaller faults, “so it’s all part of that puzzle.”

“Once we can date the earthquakes on the southern coast of Wairarapa, we compare the data with those at other locations around the Cook Strait, which will tell us about the fault that caused the Earth’s movement,” says Litchfield.

The geologist says the Wellington area is affected by a number of active faults, and a better understanding of the faults affecting different areas will help the region prepare for future events.

EQC’s head of resilience and research, Dr Joe Horrocks, says the “our mistake” research is being used by local authorities to make informed decisions to manage risks, such as local water supplies.

“For example, the project determined that water pipes crossed the Wellington fault at seven locations. The authorities have since stored spare parts near those locations, so the pipes can be repaired quickly in a scenario where the spare parts are difficult to transport,” says Dr. Horrocks.

Wellington City Council is also now subsidizing water tanks so that individual families have the capacity to cope after a natural disaster.

“This is a great example of why EQC wants to support the kind of research that directly impacts how a community is built for more resilience in the face of natural disasters.”

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