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Simple Thoughts: Earthquakes and Volcanic Activity – Harlan Enterprise

Simple Thoughts: Earthquakes and Volcanic Activity – Harlan Enterprise


Written by Judith Hensley

At the beginning of this year, 2021, while praying about what this year might hold, I was touched by thoughts about an extraordinary amount of seismic activity. I clearly felt that not only would the number of earthquakes be extraordinarily high, but also that there would be volcanic activity in unlikely and unexpected places.

This evening, I decided to run a computer check to see if there was an indication of unusual activity and an accuracy of what I thought I heard about the year. I was shocked at what I found. There are no absolute numbers on how many earthquakes have actually occurred because they occur regularly all over the world. This is not every few days or hours, but minutes and sometimes seconds. On the day it checked, there were already 1,076 earthquakes of various sizes on that one day around the world. Some were strong and others small enough not to be noticed by people, but they were all recorded by seismic equipment. One of them happened only 7 minutes ago.

So, it was time to check out the volcanic activity. According to the Global Volcanism Program, “Although detailed statistics on daily activity are not kept, there are generally around 20 actively erupting volcanoes on any given day.” report, Unusual volcanic eruptions “occurred” in the Kulu region of Himachal Pradesh, India, where a lava-like substance was seen on a slope in February. According to local reports, there is no history of volcanic activity in the state. “

According to, “… at this very moment, 43 volcanoes around the world are erupting or showing signs of activity, 40 of them around the Pacific Ring.”

Located between the Eurasian tectonic plates and North America, Iceland is frequently exposed to earthquakes, as the plates slowly drift in opposite directions at a rate of about 2 cm each year. With Iceland’s Mount Fagradalsfjall region approaching nearly 50,000 earthquakes since late February, the question now is not whether the source of the earthquakes of past weeks, is a large mass of molten rock, known as magma, moving. Approximately 1 km (0.6 mi) below the peninsula, does it make its way to the surface? And recorded many earthquakes with a magnitude of 5.7. (

Earthquakes do not always mean that there will be a direct risk of a volcanic eruption. However, eruptions are always preceded by warning earthquakes. However, scientists cannot say the exact time the volcano will erupt. Mountain. Fuji in Japan, at 12,000 feet, is an example of a volcano that if erupted that could destroy Japan.

Lake Toba in Sumatra is a “supervolcano”. It hasn’t erupted in 25 million years, but it is listed as a potential global threat due to the amount of ash that may be emitted from the eruption and covered the planet’s atmosphere.

Tsunamis also occur as a result of earthquakes that occur under the ocean. An extinct volcano in the Canary Islands is expected to erupt and is expected to be large enough to cause the largest tsunami in recorded history with waves potentially reaching 330 feet and traveling at speeds of over 500 miles per hour. In 9 hours, such a wave might hit Florida. (This info was found in a YouTube video by Underworld.)

All of these predictions of worst-case scenarios about what could happen are unlikely to happen in our lifetime, and maybe not in 2021, but the possibilities are realistic. “The Big One” has been predicted along the San Andreas Fault in California for as long as I can remember, but thankfully it didn’t.

I will continue to follow reports on these activities with interest.

What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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