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Earthquake, Mauritius: Nothing trembles


On Wednesday, May 12, an earthquake was reported in the central highlands of India.

Wednesday May 12 at 6 pm, Mauritius – Record of earthquakes in Reunion, announced by the United States Geological Survey (USGS) website. The epicenter has been reported below the Pacific Ocean floor; No tsunami warning was issued. Earthquakes occur frequently in the region, the highest ever recorded.

What causes earthquakes in the region? This earthquake is located in the foothills of central India. It is a seismic plateau region that usually produces earthquakes. Valerie Veracini, a seismologist at the laboratory of the Piton de la Fournes volcano, explains the Institute of Physics to the Globe de Paris.

An oceanologist, Wasson Kobe Bayamuthu, talks about the accumulation of energy in the lithosphere. Rodriguez is located a few hundred kilometers from the natural seamount and three junctions in the Indian Ocean, where three oceans collide. This backbone is very active and produces accumulations and releases of energy that cause earthquakes. ”

Prem Sadol, the geographer, agrees. Mauritius is located in the middle of the Somali plate, away from the triple junction, which connects the Indo-Australian, African and Antarctic plates, and the island of Rodrigues. These are different panels. “When the dishes are different, there are magical ups and downs that create underwater mountain ranges. These ascents create the vibrations that we feel in the Rodriguez region.”

“Due to the proximity of the Rodriguez triple junction to the east of the island, 12-14 tremors occur every year, on a scale of 3.5-5 on the Richter scale.” , Explains the geologist. According to him, the level of 6.7 is very stable, but still moderate.

Trembling with magma

Prem Sadol, who has studied volcanic and tectonic plate movements in our region, notes that tremors occur with rocky uplifts, as magma is absorbed by shocks. The reason why Mauritius is not affected by earthquakes. “We are still at the level of vibrations. Different plates do not cause earthquakes, just as they do in Indonesia. This is not a rare event.”

Add to that when he was president of the Mauritius Institute of Oceanography (ME), he formed a committee to coordinate the organization and the Ministry of Environment and Meteorology to create seismic maps in Agalega, Mauritius and Rodrigues to catch seismic waves in the region. “With Reunion Island, which already had seismic maps, we had a network with the Indian Ocean islands.”

The geologist says that the Somali plate is moving west at 4 cm per year and that there is a hot spot under the active La Fornes volcano. “If Reunion and Mauritius move west at a rate of 3 to 4 cm per year, it will be the hot spot east of La Fornes. Suddenly, an island appears. When it comes out, it shivers.”

The risk of a tsunami is very low

With a magnitude of 6.7, is the Mauritius tsunami safe? Prem Sadol says the tsunami was caused by earthquakes near the edges of the submarine plates below the surface of the submarine. “A tsunami is caused by the sudden destruction of the earth’s crust. Because there are fissures or fissures in the different plates, they only emit small shock waves that cannot cause a tsunami.”

However, the magnitude of 6.7 is believed to be still a concern, so a network should be established to monitor any tectonic movement in the area.

Seismologist Valerie Veracini agrees. According to her, the cause of a tsunami depends on a number of factors, including the size and magnitude of the earthquake. It is believed that in a hilly state, it is unlikely that you have a mechanism capable of creating a tsunami (displacing the Earth mainly in the horizontal plane). In addition, it is estimated that a magnitude 7 earthquake triggers a tsunami. Be aware that a 7-magnitude earthquake is 30 times stronger than a 6-magnitude earthquake, so the risk of a tsunami in Mauritius is very low. , And the size of the tsunami will be small. ”

But oceanologist Vasan Kobayamuthu disagrees. It is believed that no island in the Indian Ocean will be affected by the tsunami caused by a regional or long-range earthquake. “In fact, an earthquake of this size could cause undersea landslides, which could cause a tsunami.”

Five earthquakes in the Mauritius region between 1786 and 1925

According to historical documents issued by the Office of Geological Research and Mining (PRGM), the Mauritius region felt five earthquakes between 1786 and 1925. Its location is unknown due to a lack of seismic measurements in the area.

According to the USGS, the seas of southwestern India showed moderate seismicity, mostly concentrated along the Mayotte and Madagascar mountain ranges and the central Indian Ocean to the west.

On February 27, 2018, a magnitude 4.1 earthquake was recorded about 100 km southwest of Le Morne. At 8:02 pm on November 12, 2019, an earthquake measuring 4.8 and 216 km east of Boise de Amorette struck.

According to Prem Sadol, the two earthquakes occurred on the eastern coast of Mauritius near a fossil fault extending from the northeast to the southwest. “The fossil error indicates a seismic lock system that started to release energy in the form of an earthquake,” resulting in the geologist’s output.

When Mauritius, Agalega and Rodriguez were equipped with seismic stations, Montinger et al. (2-8 April 2012), in a document titled “Report of the Panel of Experts on Earthquake and Tsunami Hazards in Mauritius and Rodrigues”, submitted to the Office of the Prime Minister and recommended the provision of a seismic station for Saint Brandon that will help identify tectonic features and weak areas currently active in the earthquake.

On September 21, 2020, a 4.4-magnitude earthquake struck La Reunion, 22 kilometers northwest of Saint-Denis and about 200 kilometers west. Southwest Port Louis. What made the people of Mauritius tremble … The depth of the earthquake was nearly 27 km.

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