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AP earns 1,088 top pre-art clinics to offer emergency physicians to patients – news India


The Andhra Pradesh (AP) government on Wednesday won a fleet of 1,088 art ambulances, which will serve as mobile clinics in rural and urban areas, at an estimated cost of 201 Rore crowns.

YS AP Chief Jagan Mohan Reddy, who set fire to ambulances in Vijayawada, claimed his government was committed to rebuilding the country’s medical infrastructure.

The new ambulances will operate with two free numbers – 104 and 108.

While ambulances with number 104 will function as emergency services in rural areas, 108 will be for urban parts of the state.

Of these new ambulances, 412 and 676 are allocated for urban and rural areas, respectively.

Ambulances will operate as mobile clinics with advanced life support systems. Ambulances include 26 vehicles that will be used exclusively for neo-natal services equipped with incubators and other essential facilities for babies born with complications.

CM said 676 ambulances will serve as Mobile Medicine Units (MMUs), which will provide 20 types of medical services, including all examinations for communicable and non-communicable diseases (NCDs).

In total, 744 doctors will be made available for these services and they will visit a village once a month to provide medical services, he added.

In addition to oxygen cylinders, these new ambulances would have fans, infusion pumps, syringe pumps, and comfortable clamps in addition to the provisions for the birth of babies. The vehicles are also equipped with surveillance cameras to ensure proper monitoring of health care by doctors, he said.

CM also announced an increase in the monthly salaries of ambulance drivers from 18,000 to 28,000 Rs and ambulance technicians from 20,000 to 30,000 Rs.

Special Secretary of Health (medical and health) KS Jawahar Reddy said the ambulances will be attached to primary health care centers in all revenue blocks for placing doctors on call.

“This would help people know the doctors they need to contact in case of emergency and doctors would also have an understanding of the health profile of villagers in general and families in particular. The government is in the process of preparing digital profiles of family health, ”he said.

The estimated time of arrival of these emergency vehicles in the country from the time of receiving an emergency call is expected to be 15 minutes in urban areas, 20 minutes in rural areas and 25 minutes in remote tribal areas of the state.

A new program, Dr. YSR Rahadari Bhadratha, is also being linked to the urban service, where every patient from a road accident will be treated free of charge at any hospital across the state for the first 48 hours and up to a maximum cost of 50,000. Rs.

The Trust of Health Care Dr. YSR Aarogyasri will reimburse expenses for road accident patients, CM added.

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