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'Star Wars' actor Mark Hamill stops by the White House for a visit with 'Joe-bi-Wan Kenobi'

'Star Wars' actor Mark Hamill stops by the White House for a visit with 'Joe-bi-Wan Kenobi'


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“Star Wars” actor Mark Hamill arrived at the White House Friday for a visit with President Joe Biden and left with a pair of the president's aviator sunglasses and greater respect for the office.

“I love merch,” he said, removing his glasses during a brief appearance at the daily White House press briefing after his visit with Biden. Hamill, 72, famous for playing Luke Skywalker, joked with reporters that he would answer some questions as long as they weren't about “Star Wars.”


“I was honored to be invited to come to the White House to meet with the president,” he said. He's been to the White House before, during the Carter and Obama administrations, but he had never visited the Oval Office, and that was quite something, he said. Biden showed photographs and other items from the Oval Office, Hamill said.


Actor Mark Hamill takes off the sunglasses given to him by President Joe Biden, as he joins White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre as she speaks to reporters in the James Brady Press Briefing Room at the White House, Friday, May 3, 2024, in Washington. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

Hamill said Biden told him to call him “Joe,” to which Hamill offered an alternative suggestion: “Can I call you Joe-bi-Wan Kenobi?”

“He liked it,” said Hamill, who also voiced the Joker in “Batman: The Animated Series.”

Hamill and the White House have remained vague about the reason for his visit. But Hamill, a Democratic and Biden supporter with a large social media following, posted about the president's re-election campaign this week.

“Let the first not quench your thirst for Biden’s re-election!” he wrote on May 1st.

On Friday, he posted: “Let the third be absurd that the one who tried to steal a fair election is allowed to run again,” a reference to Donald Trump and his efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election.


May 4 is unofficially “Star Wars” Day, in part because of the famous Jedi phrase “May the force be with you.” The pun says: “May the fourth be with you.”

Hamill also lent his voice to “Air Alert,” a downloadable app related to Ukraine’s air defense system. His voice urges people to take shelter every time Russia launches a new aerial bombardment of Ukraine.




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