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Escalating conflict in Myanmar: joint statement by the UK and partners

Escalating conflict in Myanmar: joint statement by the UK and partners


We, Australia, Canada, the European Union, the Republic of Korea, Malta, New Zealand, Norway, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States, are deeply concerned by the escalation of the conflict in Myanmar and in particular by the increasing harm to civilians , which are fueling a worsening and devastating human rights and humanitarian crisis across the country.

Since the February 2021 coup, the number of people in humanitarian need has increased from 1 million to 18.6 million. There continue to be credible reports of violations and abuses committed against the civilian population, including airstrikes on homes, schools, places of worship and hospitals, as well as torture, the use of civilians as human shields, and sexual and gender-based violence against women and children. As the conflict continues to escalate, communities across Myanmar are undergoing further displacement.

The military regime is systematically restricting access to life-saving humanitarian aid. We are concerned about the increasing scarcity of water and food and the widespread denial of access to health care, medicine and vital humanitarian services. The ongoing blockade of roads and telecommunications in conflict zones is hindering the delivery of humanitarian aid and access to information.

Across the country, more than 1,000 civilians were killed or maimed by landmines in 2023, and the toll is rising rapidly. An increasing number of people are being trafficked and held against their will. All parties must ensure that they prioritize the protection of civilians.

We are deeply concerned by the implementation of the 2010 recruitment law by military regimes, which is increasing the number of displaced persons. This measure continues to try to divide communities and fuel identity-based violence across Myanmar.

In Rakhine State, towns and villages have been repeatedly targeted by the military regime and armed groups. We are concerned by recent reports of high levels of displacement in Buthidaung. We call on all armed actors to ensure the protection of civilians. The deliberate use of misinformation, disinformation and hate speech is fueling sectarian and inter-communal conflict. Reports of forced recruitment, including of the Rohingya, are further dividing communities and exploiting tensions and mistrust. All populations are facing extreme levels of food insecurity. The situation is increasingly dangerous for all civilians, including Rakhine, Rohingya and other ethnic communities.

There must be accountability for all atrocities committed in Myanmar. We recall the order of temporary measures of the International Court of Justice and the need to respect it to protect human rights and prevent violations.

We welcome UN Security Council Resolution 2669 on the situation in Myanmar, calling for an immediate end to all forms of violence and calling on all parties to respect human rights and allow full access , safe and unhindered humanitarian.

We welcome the appointment of the UN Secretary-General's Special Envoy for Myanmar (UNSE) and the unified efforts by the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), UNSE and regional actors to resolve the crisis. We reiterate the need for strengthened UN leadership in the country.

We reiterate our call on all states to prevent or stop the flow of military and dual-use weapons or materials, including aviation fuel, to the Myanmar military.

The military regime must release all those arbitrarily detained and fully implement the ASEAN Five-Point Consensus. We call on all parties to create space for meaningful and inclusive dialogue so that democracy can be fully restored.

We remain steadfast in our support for all those committed to working peacefully towards an inclusive, non-violent and democratic future for the people of Myanmar.




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