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England to return to blockade in the coming days: Coronavirus UpdatesExBulletin

England to return to blockade in the coming days: Coronavirus UpdatesExBulletin
England to return to blockade in the coming days: Coronavirus UpdatesExBulletin


Prime Minister Boris Johnson speaks during a virtual press conference on 10 Downing Street in London on Saturday to announce new blocking restrictions in an effort to curb the growing new coronavirus infections.

Alberto Pezzali / Pool / AFP through Getty Images

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Alberto Pezzali / Pool / AFP through Getty Images

Prime Minister Boris Johnson speaks during a virtual press conference on 10 Downing Street in London on Saturday to announce new blocking restrictions in an effort to curb the growing new coronavirus infections.

Alberto Pezzali / Pool / AFP through Getty Images

England will enter a second blockade of the coronavirus starting on Thursday which is scheduled to last until early December, Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Saturday.

All pubs and restaurants will be closed along with non-essential retail stores and various families will be barred from mixing inside. Moreover, international travel will be banned in addition to work, while schools and universities will remain open.

“The virus is spreading even faster than the reasonable worst-case scenario of our scientific advisers, whose models … now suggest that if we do not act, we may see deaths in this country that run into the thousands,” said Johnson in a nationwide speech.

The decision is another turning point for Johnson, who had refused to impose a second deadlock, saying it would be a disaster for the country. It comes after a summer when life returned to normal and cases across the country fell below 600 a day. But the virus began to recede in August and the government said there are now about 50,000 new cases a day.

The resurrection seems to have been driven by a failure of some people at the right social distance over the summer. One study also suggests that British travelers brought back a virus virus from holidays in Spain.

Echoing almost the same words he spoke when announcing the first blockade in late March, Johnson said the government should take measures not to overload the National Health Service.

“Current forecasts mean that hospitals in the southwest will run out of capacity in just a few weeks if we do not act,” Johnson said, adding, “exceeding the NHS would be a medical and moral catastrophe.”

Other nations within the UK have already imposed tougher measures. Wales got into a deadlock last week. In Scotland, which has the lowest level of coronavirus infection in the UK, Prime Minister Nicola Sturgeon urged people not to travel across the border to England unless it was essential.

Virus rebirth is a problem in most of Europe. England is now getting closer to France, which imposed a tougher blockade on Friday, ordering people to stay home, except for essential work or for medical reasons. Germany, meanwhile, plans to close restaurants, bars, gyms and theaters on Monday.

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