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Faculty of Chemistry Receives International Award for Water Research |


Ben Hsiao
Benjamin Hsiao

Benjamin S. Hsiao, eminent professor, and Priyanka sharma, Assistant Research Professor, both from the Department of Chemistry at Stony Brook University, received the Creativity Award which is given to water-related interdisciplinary work in Prince Sultan Bin Abdulaziz International Water Award (PSIPW). They were introduced at the PSIPW Virtual Awards Ceremony on March 22nd.

PSIPW is an internationally recognized science award established in 2002 by HRH Crown Prince Sultan Bin Abdulaziz. It recognizes innovative research aimed at finding solutions to today ‘s global water – related challenges.

Hsiao’s team has developed adsorbents, coagulants and membrane materials from durable, nanocellulose-based biomass fibers along with numerous practical applications that promise to provide effective water purification for communities outside the developing world network. Their work also includes the development of environmentally friendly biomass extraction processes to produce these low-cost cellulose nanofibers for use in industrial water treatment with efficient effect, desalination and heavy metal removal, capable of achieving a ratio performance / price by more than 10 to 100 times better than existing trading systems.

Priyanka sharma
Priyanka sharma

Ben is a researcher with a global vision. He is also an inventor and entrepreneur. His creative work for the development of sustainable new nanomaterials, especially nanocellulose, for water purification is not only paying off with truly technological solutions that are supplying clean water to communities outside the developing world network, but also providing new opportunities in the design and fabrication of next-generation high-flow membranes for energy-efficient industrial treatments and desalination, said Peter J. Tonge, Honorary Professor and Chair of the Department of Chemistry.

Hsiaohas started Global Center for Global Energy Solutions, which aims to prototype tomorrow’s sustainability for the communities outside the network they use Institutes of the Turkana Basin in northern Kenya as a living laboratory. This project addresses the major challenges of water, energy and information technology sustainability in remote regions of the developing world and provides economic development opportunities for local communities through research and education. He is also the director of Center for Integrated Electricity Systems, with the mission to enhance the development of advanced technologies for the innovative connection of food, energy and water systems.

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