What is an IUD? | Independent
The debate on contraceptives has reached new heights this week and thereafter. Britney Spears She revealed on Wednesday that she needed to have it as part of her protection against for the first time.
It comes after the BBC presenter Munchetti Dragon Journalist Caitlin Moran talked about her experience with wearing contraceptives and called on women to offer them. Pain relief During similar gynecological surgery.
Moran explained that the experience of inserting a contraceptive device, also known as an intrauterine device (IUD), requires “putting the broken cervix in a carry bag and carrying it out of the building.”
Following the article, Munchetty Shared her own traumatic experience On Radio 5 Live, she said she felt so painful twice that she was fainted, but no sedatives or anesthetics were provided.
Dozens of women responded to both Moran and Munchetty on social media and talked about their painful experiences while wearing an IUD.
Let’s take a closer look at what contraceptives are and whether getting them is always a pain.
What is a contraceptive coil?
A coil (IUD) is a small T-shaped device made of plastic and copper that is inserted into the uterus to prevent pregnancy. There are two types of IUDs: copper IUDs and hormone IUDs.
It falls into the category of long-acting reversible ContraceptiveAlso includes implants and injectable contraceptives. They can be protected from pregnancy for 5 to 10 years.
IUDs, when properly worn, are more than 99% effective in stopping pregnancy.
According to data from the NHS As of April 2019, 41% of women in contact with sexual and reproductive health services in the UK were using long-acting reversible contraceptives.
The IUD can be removed at any time and you can get pregnant as soon as you take it out. If the IUD has expired, it must be removed and replaced.
The device can also be installed in an emergency contraception,this NHS says More effective than emergency pills to prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex.
How does it work?
Copper IUDs work by releasing copper into the uterus, which thickens the cervical mucus. This makes it more difficult for sperm to reach the egg and survive. This device can also prevent the fertilized egg from implanting itself.
Hormones such as Milena IUD contain small amounts of progestin that are released into the reproductive system. It does the same thing as copper and prevents sperm from entering the uterus.
IUDs do not suppress ovulation like other contraceptives, including pills. The effectiveness of the device is not affected by whether the user ovulates.
Is there a risk?
Yes, there are some small risks involved in getting an IUD. It may be infected after wearing. There is also a slight risk that the body will push the IUD or move within the body.
Your doctor or nurse will tell you how to make sure it is still in place.
People who have had a previous pelvic infection may not be prescribed an IUD because it may not be appropriate.
According to the NHSIn the first 3-6 months of wearing an IUD, heavier, longer, or more painful periods may occur. Spotting and bleeding may also occur between periods.
How painful is it to get an IUD?
The NHS warns that installing an IUD can be “unpleasant” and advises people to take painkillers after the procedure, if necessary.
Woman with vaginal delivery Report less discomfort or pain During IUD insertion compared to a person who has never been pregnant. The latter is because the cervix had not been dilated before.
People who usually experience a lot of pain during a pelvic examination or microscopic placement are more likely to experience pain when getting an IUD.
GP and broadcaster Dr. Dawn Harper told the BBC that the experience Manchetti explained was not typical.
She states: “For most women, it’s a little uncomfortable. It’s a bit like menstrual cramps.
“We should definitely suffer any kind of pain … very seriously, and we should provide appropriate relief,” she added.
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