Understanding the Difference Between Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia | News
Oklahoma City — For many years, the terms “Alzheimer’s disease” and “dementia” have been used interchangeably. But those differences are important, says experts from the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation. There’s no better time to learn than June: Alzheimer’s Disease and Brain Recognition Month.
“Dementia is a comprehensive term that includes many diseases. Alzheimer’s disease is just one of them,” said the Hill Family Foundation chair in OMRF’s neurodegenerative disease research, a naturally occurring brain in Alzheimer’s disease. Dr. Mike Beckstead, an OMRF scientist studying the potential role of chemical dopamine, said. “Dementia is a series of symptoms.”
These symptoms include poor memory, cognitive, and communicative competence that interfere with daily activities. Dementia most commonly affects the elderly and is caused by damage or loss of nerve cells and their connections in the brain.
“Dementia affects people differently depending on the area of the brain affected,” explained Dr. Holly van Remen, who heads the Foundation’s Aging and Metabolism Research Program. “Alzheimer’s disease includes amnesia, disorientation, mood swings, and other cognitive problems.”
Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia. According to the Alzheimer’s Association, it accounts for 60-80% of cases of dementia and affects more than 6 million Americans.
“That is, the vast majority of people with dementia also have Alzheimer’s disease,” said Van Remen, who holds the GT Blankenship Chair in the OMRF aging study. “But in most cases there is no reliable way to make a decision.”
This is because there is no definitive test for Alzheimer’s disease. The only definitive way to diagnose a disease is to analyze human postmortem brain tissue.
However, it is important to assess the underlying illness of dementia, Van Remen added. There is no cure for Alzheimer’s disease, but it may be possible to alter the course of some other forms of dementia.
Triggers for dementia may include vitamin deficiency, thyroid problems, brain tumors, depression, excessive alcohol use, drug side effects, infections, and even fluid buildup in the brain. Each of these forms of dementia is potentially reversible with treatment.
In the case of Alzheimer’s disease, Beckstead said early intervention was just as important. “It’s often too late to stop the progression of symptoms, from a small illness that loses the key to a serious turning point that can get lost on the way home from the store,” he says. I did.
If you or your loved ones are showing signs of dementia, Van Remen adds and seeks treatment as soon as possible.
“Early evaluation by physicians provides the best opportunity to understand what options are available,” said Van Lemmen. “If treatment is possible, we cannot delay it.”
What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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