Pfizer, CDC experts aren’t looking at the COVID-19 booster, threatening a major source of revenue: Analysts
When does someone need a COVID-19 booster? This is a good question not only among vaccinated people, but also among analysts who are eager to track the sale of pandemic vaccines over the next few years.
In Pfizer’s eyes, people who have been vaccinated with shots affiliated with pharmaceutical company BioNTech may need to be given as early as this fall. However, a major CDC advisory board may not be eye-catching, Bernstein’s analysts pointed out in a memo sent to clients on Monday.
No one knows exactly when a booster will be needed, but some early vaccinated people may need it as early as September, or about 8-12 months after the first regimen. Additional jabs may be needed. Said Axios. Bula warned that these predictions were preliminary.
Several variants of SARS-CoV-2 (the coronavirus behind COVID-19) have been found to spread more rapidly than the original strain, and how well the currently deployed jabs withstand. It raises some concerns about what. Pandemic tycoons immediately began researching boosters, whether it was an additional dose of their original shot or a modified version.
Relation: First Moderna, now Pfizer-BioNTech working on booster shots in the rise of the COVID-19 variant
Pfizer is working on two different booster shot strategies and expects to grow sales beyond the urgent pandemic needs. These are the third 30 mg doses of the current vaccine and are the latest jabs targeting the first beta mutant identified in South Africa. The company expects immunogenicity data from both studies as early as July.
Bernstein analysts, led by Ronnie Gull, said that “because a large population is unable to carry the virus and therefore lowers blood levels of antibodies to stop the epidemic faster,” pharmaceutical companies generally need boosters. Claims to be. Analysts write that this is not an industry standard and was not proposed by the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization and Implementation (ACIP) at a meeting last week.
According to CDC experts, boosters are likely to be needed if evidence of reduced efficacy as well as reduced antibody response. If you have a variant that can avoid jabs, you may also need a booster. slide Published by Sara Oliver, MD, a medical epidemiologist at the CDC’s National Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
At this time, there is no evidence to suggest that a booster is needed, experts said. Still, boosters may soon be suitable for some populations. Indeed, the country’s top public health authorities will continue to monitor the situation.
“For now, if the ACIP view is accepted, we know that frequent booster immunization is recommended only for special risk groups (elderly, immunosuppressive), or that symptomatic disease immediately follows antibody decline. (Unlikely), ā€¯Barnstein’s analysts said in a memo.
A Pfizer spokesperson told Fearth Pharma that the company’s “current idea is that a third booster dose of the vaccine is possible until SARS-CoV-2 circulation and a reduction in COVID-19 disease are seen. I’m thinking. ” It was needed to provide protection against COVID-19, “requires regulatory approval.
The jury is still considering when Pfizer’s protection from mRNA shots will begin to weaken, but there is plenty of evidence that it may not happen soon.
According to a new person Research The Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines, announced at Nature on Monday, appear to provoke a strong and durable immune response in the body. Researchers have found that vaccination provides high levels of neutralizing antibodies that are effective against three variants of the virus, including beta mutants.
Boosters are expected to serve as a major revenue driver for the next few years for COVID-19 vaccine tycoons such as Pfizer and Modana. Pfizer executives say the company sees the vaccine market evolving as the pandemic weakens, and the company is likely to be able to charge more doses than it would have been under a pandemic supply agreement. Said.
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