Country COVID-19 Travel Restriction Overview
- Travel restrictions for COVID-19 outside the United States are very different.
- Some countries allow vaccinated US travelers to visit with almost no restrictions.
- Other countries have strict guidelines and some do not allow travelers from the United States.
In the United States, COVID-19 Pandemic As immunization rates rise and blockades and masks are lifted Case rate goes down In many parts of the country.
But COVID-19 is still raging In many parts of the world, where many remain unvaccinated and new, more contagious coronavirus variants can overturn the progress made by the global community in controlling pandemics.
Nevertheless, about 7/10 People in the United States say they are planning a trip in 2021, but in many countries even vaccinated Americans have a hard time opening the door.
Meanwhile, the Canadian border (the largest border between the two countries in the world) remains closed to US citizens, regardless of vaccination status. Disappointed prominent U.S. officials Democrats from New York, Senator Chuck Schumer, and more.
Canada recently extended its border closures to at least 21 July, but as of 5 July, it has lifted quarantine restrictions requiring the re-entry of fully vaccinated Canadians.
Other countries like Bali Delayed plans to resume Borders with foreign tourists due to the recent surge in COVID-19 cases.
“Globally, the fact that countries have different degrees of immunization and different epidemics complicates lifting travel restrictions. Summer travel has access to the COVID-19 vaccine. Will further spotlight the growing global inequality. ” Dr. Thomas KenyonMPH, Chief Health Officer of the International Health Organization Project HOPE and former Global Health Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), told Healthline.
“For example, if the lifting of travel restrictions to Europe is not handled carefully, unvaccinated travelers will be a transatlantic vector of the ongoing global spread of COVID-19 and its variants,” Kenion said. Says.
If you want to plan a trip away from the United States, the first and easiest thing you can do is get vaccinated.
Requirements vary from country to country, but many are beginning to make exceptions to testing, quarantine, and other measures for fully vaccinated Americans.
“Travel requirements vary from country to country, so it’s important to look at the specific requirements of that country,” he said. Magdeline Aagard, PhD, Resident Coordinator of Walden University Medical College, Minnesota.
Countries that are open to vaccinated Americans without the need for quarantine include Bahama, Saint Kitts and Nevis, St. Barts, Belize, Turkey, Caikos, Tunisia, Denmark, Ecuador, Bulgaria, Croatia, Georgia, France, French Polynesia, Greece, Iceland, Guatemala, Honduras.
Vaccinated travelers may need to be tested.
For the most difficult places to travel,
“There are many countries, such as India, Brazil, Sweden and the Netherlands, where the incidence of COVID-19 is so high that the CDC does not recommend American travel,” Aagard told Healthline.
“If you are considering traveling to a location on the list of countries with a very high number of COVID-19 cases, the CDC recommends that you avoid traveling. If you decide to travel, before you depart. Make sure you are fully vaccinated, “said Argard.
Conversely, even countries such as China, which the CDC considers reasonably safe to travel, will not open their borders immediately.
“Everything in Asia is banned from entering other parts of the world. Other Asian countries like Taiwan, China and Vietnam will be open for a long time, even after vaccination of people. I don’t think it’s because we’ve experienced SARS and other outbreaks and have taken special precautions. ” Brady SimpsonCEO of tech company Peanut, who created a free Chrome extension to view the latest travel rules for all destinations while browsing flights and hotels on Expedia,, or Google flights.
“Asia is part of the first country to block strict measures to block the virus and control the virus, and we hope it will be the last to open the border,” Simpson said. I told the health line.
Travel conditions are constantly changing, so there are particular concerns about the resurgence of COVID-19. Driven by a highly contagious delta variantTravelers should always check the embassy website or use apps such as peanuts to find up-to-date information on border closure, testing and quarantine requirements.
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