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Where to expect Covid’s surge and safety tips in the U.S.

Where to expect Covid’s surge and safety tips in the U.S.


In many parts of the United States, we can expect a new surge in Covid cases due to delayed vaccination rates and an increase in cases. More contagious and dangerous delta variants, According to Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Area including Southeast and MidwestAreas with low vaccination rates are the most vulnerable and may require safety measures such as re-wearing the mask.

“”[I]Forch, White House Chief Medical Advisor, said that there are places where vaccination levels are low and virus spread levels are high, in some states, cities and regions. “Chuck Todd during an interview with NBC’s “Meet the Press” on Sunday.

“We have a large country with disparities in vaccination motivation,” Forch said.67% of adults in the United States Received at least one dose Covid vaccine, “There are some states where individual vaccination levels are below 35%, “he said.

Currently, the states with the lowest vaccination rates include Mississippi (30% of vaccinated people), Alabama (33%), Wyoming (35%), and Arkansas (34%). Our world in data..

In some areas, the effects of low vaccination rates have already been seen. Recent data from Johns Hopkins University show that states with delayed immunization rates have nearly tripled the number of new Covid cases compared to states with high immunization rates, CNN. report Monday.

For example, Arkansas, which has a 34% vaccination rate, has 17 new cases per 100,000 people per day, while Vermont, the most vaccinated state in the United States, has only 0.4 per 100,000 people. It is a matter.

In addition, unvaccinated people are at even higher risk due to the “faster and more appropriate” delta variant. [and] It will remove the vulnerability more efficiently than the previous variant. ” During a press conference June 21st.

The possibility of a new surge is that in these environments with high levels of virus and low levels of vaccination, there is a “just cause” to follow additional safety precautions, such as wearing a mask even if vaccinated. Means that there is, Fauci said.

In May, the CDC said: People who are completely vaccinated can stop wearing masks Social distance between indoors and outdoors.

However, given the level of spread in the community and vaccination coverage, local governments are responsible for deciding what restrictions are appropriate, such as mask obligations. For example, due to an increase in Covid cases due to delta variants Los Angeles County Public Health Authority On June 28, we recommended that everyone, including vaccinated individuals, wear masks indoors in public places.

However, Nationwide surge Given the percentage of people currently vaccinated, Forch said, as the United States witnessed last fall and winter. The national average complete vaccination rate is 47%.

Fauci states that national immunization rate discrepancies lead to “two Americas.” That is, one is at high risk of covid spikes and the other is where the majority of people are vaccinated and at low risk.

Eric Topol, founder and director of the Scripps Research Translational Institute, predicted that “this patchwork phenomenon” would occur in the United States. Scientific American.. “A certain place lights up, and hopefully it won’t light up so badly.”

Geographical pockets with high vaccination rates may be safe, Dr. F. Perry WilsonAn epidemiologist at Yale University said the virus could “jump, skip, and jump from an under-vaccinated area to another.” Occurrence of “hyperlocal”In an interview with Yale medicine..

“As we often say, vaccines aren’t 100%, even if they’re good and very effective,” Forch said.

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