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Illinois Coronavirus: No new deaths reported for the first time since March 2020


Illinois spent the entire day without losing COVID-19 residents for the first time in nearly 16 months.

The Illinois Public Health Service did not report a new COVID-19 death on Monday. This has not happened before since March 16, 2020. Of the new coronavirus.

Eventually, one or more deaths could be added to the rare zero total. Authorities often adjust daily figures based on late reports from hospitals, especially after vacations.

And the sadness is not over yet. The state reported that 11 people died over the weekend and another 16 died on Tuesday.

But for now, the end of the tragic 476 days of viral death is the latest sign of optimism about the state slowly emerging from the pandemic.

“We are all very pleased that the infection rate in Illinois has dropped significantly. Cases, hospitalizations, deaths-methods, methods, methods,” Pritzker said in a press conference unrelated. Said in. “Vaccine did the job. Thank God for the vaccine.”

Chicago hasn’t reported coronavirus deaths for a full week, but these numbers are generally delayed and can change. By June 20, the city had only three days without COVID-19 deaths, according to Chicago Public Health Commissioner Dr. Alison Alwadi.

“We want to keep reducing these numbers, and the best way you can help is to get vaccinated,” Arwady said.

Approximately 70% of eligible residents have been vaccinated at least once and 54% are fully immunized.

This has significantly reduced Illinois mortality. In Illinois, pandemics report an average of 49 deaths daily and about two per hour.

New COVID-19 people die daily

Graphics by Jesse Howe and Caroline Harley | Sun Times

Source: Illinois Public Health Service

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Over the past week, the state has killed an average of eight people a day. On the darkest day of the catastrophic resurrection last fall, the state lost more than 150 inhabitants every day.

The worst day in Illinois was December 2, when the virus killed an astonishing 238 people.

Overall, COVID-19 has killed at least 23,272 people across the state, according to public health officials. This is about the same as clearing the population of Morton Grove in the northern suburbs. Another 2,455 deaths are considered “probable” but are untested cases of the disease.

Despite recent developments, authorities are begging residents to continue to take preventative measures seriously. The average case positive rate in Illinois rose from a record low of 0.6% on June 25 to 1.1% amid growing concerns about the more infectious delta mutants of the virus.

One of the reasons for the jump is that far fewer people take the test. So far in July, the average number of tests per day is about 27,000, compared to 45,000 per day in the first week of June.

Chicago’s regional positive rate doubled to 0.8% in a week, but Arwady said he was “not worried about it at this time” as tests declined.

The state has so far identified cases of 174 delta variants, but only a small percentage of positive tests have been analyzed. Experts agree that there are likely to be thousands of cases already in the state and expect it to become the dominant strain by the fall.

“We already have it here, but it’s still not an unusually high number,” Pritzker said. “The Delta variant makes people sick faster, and it’s very embarrassing, but to be honest: if you’re vaccinated, you’re very well protected. “

Since March 2020, approximately 1.4 million Illinois have been infected.




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