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Fauci: It’s too early to say if Americans may need a vaccine booster | Domestic and Global

Fauci: It’s too early to say if Americans may need a vaccine booster | Domestic and Global



Washington (AP) — US Infectious Diseases Expert said Sunday that Americans will need a booster dose of the COVID-19 vaccine within the next few months “fully likely, probably” However, another shot that the government recommends is premature.

Dr. Anthony FauciPresident Joe Biden’s chief medical adviser said the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Food and Drug Administration did the right thing by opposition last week. Claims of pharmaceutical company Pfizer About boosters within 12 months. Hours after Pfizer issued a statement on Thursday seeking approval for a third dose Two institutions He said he hadn’t seen booster shots “at this time” as needed.

Forch said clinical research and data do not yet fully support the need for current Pfizer and Modana two-shot vaccines or Johnson & Johnson one-shot regimen boosters.

“For now, given the data and information we have, we don’t need to give people a third shot,” he said. “That doesn’t mean we’ll stop there …. There’s ongoing research going on, talking about considering the feasibility of when and when to boost people.”

He said it is very likely that the government will encourage boosters based on factors such as age and underlying medical conditions in the coming months “as the data evolves.” “Sure, that’s perfectly conceivable. Perhaps someday we’ll need a boost,” Fauci said.

Currently, only about 48% of the US population is fully vaccinated. Immunization rates are much lower in some parts of the country, and delta variants are skyrocketing in those places. Last week, CDC director Rochelle Walensky said it would lead to “two truths.” The highly immunized band in the United States is returning to normal while hospitalizations are increasing elsewhere.

On Sunday, Forch said that some Americans are very resistant to vaccination when scientific data show how effective they are in preventing COVID-19 infection and hospitalization. He said he could not explain and was disappointed in his efforts to prevent vaccination from becoming more accessible. As a proposal for door-to-door sales of Biden.

Governor Asa Hutchinson agrees on Sunday that southern and local states like him are vaccine resistant because “you have a more conservative approach, skepticism about the government.” did.

“No one wants agents to knock on the door,” Hutchinson said in an effort to step up immunization in states where infectious diseases are on the rise. Make sure people who don’t have access know it. “

The grassroots element of the federal vaccination campaign has been in operation since April, when the supply of shots began to outpace demand. It was outlined and funded by Congress in the $ 1.9 trillion COVID-19 Relief Bill passed in March and implemented by overwhelmingly local civil servants and private sector workers and volunteers.

Republican Rep. Adam Kinzinger has expressed opposition to some Republican vaccination efforts as “absolute madness.” For your vaccine, they are afraid of their own selfish interests. “

Fauci starred in CNN’s “State of the Union,” ABC’s “This Week,” and CBS’s “Face the Nation.” Hutchinson spoke on ABC and Kinzinger spoke on CNN.

Copyright 2021 AP communication. all rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed without permission.





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