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Cancer-related drinking, according to research


Researchers analyzed available data on population-level alcohol use in 2010 and cancer cases in 2020. Based on the types of cancer included in the study (lips and oral), the period from alcohol intake to the appearance of cancer was assumed to be 10 years. Cavity cancer, laryngeal cancer, breast cancer (between women)-long-term development, there is previous evidence of a causal relationship with alcohol intake.

Of the 741,300 cases of cancer caused by new alcohol diagnosed last year, the researchers found that men represented 568,700 cases and women accounted for 172,600 cases. Most of these cancers started in the esophagus, liver, and breast. Almost 47% of alcohol-induced cancers are associated with heavy drinking, and the author defines 60 grams or more of ethanol alcohol (alcohol contained in alcoholic beverages) or 6 or more drinks per day.

Drinking 20-60 grams and 2-6 glasses of ethanol alcohol per day, which the author defined as “dangerous drinking,” accounted for 39.4% of alcohol-induced cancer cases. Moderate drinking (defined as drinking 20 grams or less per day, or up to 2 glasses) contributed to nearly 14%, or 1 in 7 cases. Also, the highest incidence of alcohol-induced cancer was in men who drank 30 to 50 grams of ethanol alcohol per day and women who drank 10 to 30 grams per day.

In a statement, research author Harriet Lungay, a PhD student at the WHO International Agency for Research on Cancer, said, “Awareness of the link between alcohol consumption and cancer risk between policy makers and the general public. Needs to be raised urgently. ” “Public health strategies such as reduced alcohol availability, health warnings on alcohol products, and bans on sales can reduce the incidence of alcohol-induced cancer.”

The authors said that “alcohol use has been found to cause a significant burden on cancer,” but other experts say that multiple restrictions may weaken the strength of the proposed relationship. It has said.

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“These estimates based on standard measurements are useful because the pattern of alcohol consumption changes over time,” writes Dr. Amy. In the statement, C Justice, a professor of CNH Long Medicine and a professor of public health at Yale School of Medicine. Justice was not involved in the study. “At the patient level, a combination of counseling and medication is effective. However, to gain a solid understanding of the cancer burden associated with alcohol use, the underlying mechanisms, and the best way to intervene, the accuracy of alcohol exposure is accurate. Depends on the measurement. ”

The study does not consider, for example, the potential for underreported alcohol consumption or changes in alcohol consumption around 2010. The author derived recorded, unrecorded, per capita alcohol consumption data for tourists and details of alcohol use from participants. ‘Self-report. Alcohol consumption can be recorded through production, export, import, sale and taxation data, but unrecorded alcohol consumption represents alcohol produced and consumed outside of government control. World Health Organization..
Moderate drinking may improve the cognitive health of older people, the study says.

Recorded, unrecorded, tourist alcohol consumption does not explain all the ways alcohol is consumed. It’s hard to tell if the person who bought the bottle of alcohol consumed it all by himself or took it to a party where multiple people drank it.

Where health, environment and genetics intersect

By assessing alcohol consumption at the population level, this study also does not consider individual environmental, physiological, genetic and social risk factors for developing cancer.

Liver cancer measured by the author Hepatocellular carcinoma, The most common type of primary liver cancer-cancer that begins in the liver rather than spreads from other organs to the liver.

“Hepatocellular carcinoma is the sixth most common cancer in the world and its incidence is increasing. Alcohol use is associated with hepatitis B or C virus in obese people who are infected or smoke. It is well known for increasing the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma, “Justice writes.

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Cancer cases and alcohol consumption were highest in central and Eastern Europe and East Asia, where hepatitis B is a common cause of hepatocellular carcinoma. American Cancer Society.. Incidence of hepatitis B and this liver cancer Is getting higher According to a survey, in the Asia-Pacific region, especially among men.

The authors write about several biological pathways in which drinking can lead to the development of cancer, including how DNA, proteins, and ethanol are metabolized to affect hormonal regulation. For example, the authors write that 28% to 45% of East Asians have variants of the ALDH2 enzyme that are associated with an increased risk of developing cancer in the upper airway gastrointestinal tract.

Other risk factors for developing hepatocellular carcinoma include obesity, diabetes, anabolic steroid hormones, iron overload, and Aflatoxin, Corn, peanuts, and other toxins produced by mold that can grow on grains.
Cancer cases were lowest in North Africa and West Asia, especially in the following countries: Saudi Arabia And KuwaitAlcohol is banned, and “religious policies ensure that the population’s alcohol consumption is low and the lifetime abstention rate remains high,” the authors write.

“What’s new in this study is a global international comparison, categorized by gender and cancer type,” said Sadie Boniface, head of research at the Institute of Alcohol Studies, which is largely funded by the Alliance House Foundation. I am. An organization that promotes the complete abstinence and scientific research of alcohol to support the moral, social and physical well-being of the community. “The results are consistent with other studies.”

In addition, the study “did not consider the synergistic effect of alcohol and tobacco, which has been reported as a true interaction of most upper airway gastrointestinal cancers,” the authors write. Cancer estimates for 2020 may also have been affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. This disrupted the medical system and some patients found it dangerous to see a doctor.

Justice writes that it is necessary to assess alcohol consumption through specific biomarkers and therefore understand how this and other factors are associated with cancer risk. “The sooner we begin to accurately measure alcohol exposure, the more we can understand the true overburden of alcohol-induced cancer and intervene effectively.”





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