What are the symptoms of Guillain-Barré Syndrome? Do I still need to get the J & J vaccine?
Health officials are investigating the “small risk” that people who receive the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine may develop rare autoimmune diseases. Therefore, it is not surprising that people ask many questions.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Report on monday The 100 people who acquired J & J
Janssenshot developed Guillain-Barré syndrome. This causes weakness and can sometimes cause paralysis.The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has also added a warning about potential side effects On that fact sheet regarding Janssen COVID-19 vaccine..
This side effect occurred in a small percentage of nearly 13 million Americans who received a single dose of COVID shots, which is very rare, but Google saidGuillain-BarréSoared 2,700% in the United States on Tuesday,Guillain-Barré Syndrome SymptomsWas also an alphabet breakout query
Search engine.
“People who were vaccinated a few months ago don’t have to worry about this.”
“It’s very important for the CDC and FDA to investigate these cases, but I think it’s also very important to consider the perspective that these cases are rare,” said George Washington University’s emergency physician and public. Dr. Linawen, a professor of health, told MarketWatch. .. “And the FDA has determined that the benefits of the J & J vaccine still outweigh this rare but serious condition.”
“This is the FDA and CDC doing their job. Their job is to identify and present potential side effects of medicines, medicines and vaccines and make the public aware of them with scientific accuracy. That’s what Dr. David Putrino, director of rehabilitation innovation at Mount Sinai Health Systems in New York, agreed. “Until the CDC and FDA recommend: Absent With the vaccine, there is no reason to worry or be alert. ”
So what is Guillain-Barré Syndrome (also known as GBS)? What should I consider before getting a J & J jab? This is what we have ever known.
What is Guillain-Barré Syndrome?
The CDC describes Guillain-Barré Syndrome (pronounced Guillain-Barré) as follows: A rare autoimmune disease in which a person’s own immune system damages nerves, Causes muscle weakness and sometimes paralysis. It is not contagious. There are 3,000 to 6,000 cases of syndrome annually in the United States. Symptoms can last for weeks or even years. In extreme cases, some people have permanent nerve damage and paralysis. And some people died.
However, GBS is rare and affects only 1 in 100,000 people. In the case of the J & J vaccine, only 100 cases were reported among the approximately 13 million Americans who received injections. GBS can occur in anyone, but it is more common in men and adults over the age of 50. In fact, the 100 cases investigated in connection with the J & J vaccine are primarily related to men over the age of 50.
What are the symptoms of Guillain-Barré Syndrome?
GBS usually manifests as weakness or tingling (pins and needles) on both feet and legs and often spreads to the arms and upper body. Symptomatology may worsen until some muscles are completely unavailable and, in extreme cases, can be paralyzed.The· Mayo Clinic Report The symptoms often worsen gradually in about 2 weeks before reaching the plateau in about 4 weeks. Recovery can take months or even years.
The FDA is in it Revised J & J COVID-19 Vaccine Fact Sheet The GBS is most likely to appear within 42 days of vaccination. Also, in the 100 cases associated with J & J shots investigated by the CDC, most patients developed GBS within two weeks of taking the shot.
What if I experience Guillain-Barré Syndrome?
Seek medical attention as soon as possible if you feel a tingling or numbness in your feet that quickly spreads upwards. “There are other common symptoms, such as a stroke, and if you have any of these symptoms, you’ll want to see a doctor, so it’s a good idea to see a doctor right away,” said Putrino. Stated. Certain signs and symptoms. ”
So what causes Guillain-Barré Syndrome?
The exact cause of GBS remains unknown, but it is often caused by respiratory or gastrointestinal infections such as influenza, Epstein-Barr, and Zika virus.Infection Campylobacter jejuni Bacteria that cause gastroenteritis (and symptoms of nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea) are one of the most common risk factors for GBS. According to the CDC, about two-thirds of GBS patients had respiratory illness or diarrhea weeks before symptoms appeared. And, very rarely, GBS can develop days or weeks after receiving a particular vaccine. CDC report..
People do not spread it to each other because it is not contagious. However, the development of GBS-related bacteria can lead to a population of people who develop GBS.
How is Guillain-Barré Syndrome treated?
There is no known cure for GBS, but most people recover. 60-80% of people can walk independently in 6 months. Mayo Clinic ReportHowever, patients may experience protracted effects such as weakness, numbness, and malaise.
People with GBS are often hospitalized. Treatment includes plasmapheresis (also known as plasmapheresis), which removes and replaces the liquid portion of blood (or plasma) to remove certain antibodies that may cause the immune system to attack nerves. I will. Patients also receive high-dose immunoglobulin therapy, also known as infusion of healthy antibodies to block harmful antibodies that may contribute to GBS.
What is the relationship between Guillain-Barré syndrome and vaccination?
For unknown reasons, it is rare for people to develop GBS after receiving a particular vaccine.Seasonal influenza vaccine Approximately 1-2 additional cases For example, GBS per million vaccines given. The 1976 swine flu vaccination campaign was also a special flu vaccine against potential pandemic strains of influenza, leading to a slight increase in syndrome. Approximately one GBS will be added for every 100,000 people vaccinated at one time. However, studies suggest that you are more likely to develop GBS after you have been vaccinated against the flu than after you have been vaccinated against the flu.
“All vaccines carry the risk of some side effects when you are now inducing the immune system,” Putrino said. “always small The risk of side effects of this nature … the numbers are still in your favor. However, the benefits of the vaccine outweigh the risk of serious illness that the vaccine protects you.
So what do we know about the J & J COVID-19 vaccine and Guillain-Barré syndrome?
In a clinical trial of Johnson & Johnson’s COVID-19 vaccine, two patients developed GBS within two weeks of receiving the injection. However, one patient was receiving placebo and the other was vaccinated. The research is finished There were not enough data to determine the causal relationship between the vaccine and GBS. The report also states that “many people will accidentally develop GBS within a few weeks of vaccination.”
“People get Guillain-Barré Syndrome from other things. Like other viruses and bacteria, there are other potential triggers, so that’s something else to remember,” Wen said. .. “This is another rare but serious illness that exists in our world.”
CDC revealed on Monday that it received the following report 100 out of about 13 million Americans who received the J & J vaccine to develop GBS..Health Organization said it would ask a committee of external vaccine experts to consider the issue at the next meeting, and the FDA also added a warning about potential side effects. On that fact sheet regarding Janssen COVID-19 vaccine.. Most cases of side effects were reported in men over the age of 50 approximately 2 weeks after vaccination.
“So people who were vaccinated a few months ago shouldn’t be worried about this,” Wen said.
And the government said Pfizer
And moderna
The vaccine shows no risk of injury after being administered more than 320 million times. Pfizer and Modana Shot is an mRNA vaccine and J & J is a viral vector vaccine. Differences: mRNA shots teach cells how to make a protein, or part of a protein, that provokes an immune response in the body to fight the coronavirus. CDC explains on that site..Viral vector vaccine Deliver a fixed version of another virus To help teach our cells how to fight the new coronavirus.
Do I still need to get the COVID-19 vaccine?
definitely. If there is one thing health officials agree on, the benefits of being vaccinated with COVID far outweigh the very low risk of developing Guillain-Barré syndrome with the J & J vaccine.Global tabulation of coronavirus-mediated COVID-19 disease Over 187.8 million on WednesdayAnd more than 4.04 million people have died worldwide. The United States is the world leader in counting 33.9 million cases and 607,771 deaths, and highly infectious delta variants have spread to low-vaccination states.
In addition, millions of people continue to suffer from “punk” symptoms such as extreme fatigue, shortness of breath, memory loss, brain fog, insomnia, chest pain, and dizziness for months after the first COVID-19 infection. I am. In one study Thirty percent of COVID-19 survivors reported “persistent symptoms” after nine months. “Given about 100 people with 13 million GBS, the chances of getting GBS from the COVID-19 vaccine are less than 0.001%,” said Putrino. “If you get COVID-19 unvaccinated, you have a 10% or greater chance of getting a flat tire,” said Dr. Anthony Fouch, who recently died of COVID-19 in the United States in June. Over 99% reported that they were unvaccinated.
“The benefits of vaccines far outweigh the risks of vaccines.”
However, if you have experienced GBS in the past, consult your doctor. If you have not yet been vaccinated against COVID, we recommend that you consider one of Pfizer’s or Moderna’s mRNA vaccines. However, if you only have access to J & J shots, or if you only receive single dose shots, health professionals say you need to be confident that J & J jabs are safe.
“If the benefits of the vaccine go far beyond the risks of the vaccine and people are very concerned about the possibility of getting GBS. [from the J&J shot], They can talk to their doctor and ask for another vaccine, “Putrino said. “But not everyone has such a luxury. It is highly recommended that you get the vaccine available, rather than not at all.”
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