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Breakthrough infections of Covid-19 are preventable, but great effort is required to prevent them.

Breakthrough infections of Covid-19 are preventable, but great effort is required to prevent them.


Florida Congressman Vern Buchanan A statement from his office on Monday tested positive for Covid-19 after vaccination.Fully vaccinated entertainment journalist Cat Sadler Warned her hundreds of thousands Instagram After she got sick after taking care of someone in Covid-19 who wasn’t vaccinated, believers “keep your vigilance.” Last thursday Six New York Yankees players tested positive.this is Second instance Of the team’s groundbreaking case.
Breakthrough cases have already occurred at the Tokyo Summer Olympics. Kara Eaker, another member of the vaccinated US Olympic gymnastics team, tested positive for Covid-19 on Sunday, her father confirmed: CNN affiliate KMBC Monday.So there was basketball player Katie Lou Samuelson who confirmed her Instagram She explains that she will not be able to compete in Tokyo.

The good news is that you can reduce the number of breakthrough infections, but it will take much more community effort to prevent people from becoming infected with Covid-19.

People with breakthrough infections tested positive for the coronavirus that causes Covid-19 at least 14 days after being completely vaccinated. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

For Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, complete vaccination is given after two doses. For the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, it is a single dose.

Breakthrough infections can cause symptomatic illnesses, and some people are completely asymptomatic.Studies have shown that if infected after vaccination, it is usually In mild cases.

There is no perfect vaccine

The Covid-19 vaccine is highly protective against laboratory-confirmed infections and appears to provide protection against mutants. However, like other vaccines, only a small part is infected.

“There is no such thing as a 100% effective vaccine,” he said. Dr. Amy Edwards, Associate Medical Director of Pediatric Infection Control at UH Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital in Cleveland.
With the epidemic of delta variants, experts are divided on whether to test vaccinated people with Covid-19.

For other illnesses such as mumps and rubella, breakthrough infections are extremely rare because so many people are vaccinated against these illnesses and the circulation of mumps and rubella is low, Edwards said. Says.

“People who happen to not respond to the vaccine are very unlikely to come into contact with these diseases,” Edwards said. “The reason for the rise in breakthrough infections with Covid is that so many people are unvaccinated.”

Another example is the flu vaccine. Studies have shown that this reduces the risk of getting sick by 40-60%. The Covid-19 vaccine is much more protective and is 95% effective in preventing serious illness, hospitalization and death.

Breakthrough infection by numbers

We do not know how many breakthrough Covid-19 infections are mild or asymptomatic in the United States. The CDC stopped counting in May.

The CDC still counts hospitalizations and deaths from breakthrough infections.The· The agency said The transition was “to help maximize the quality of the data collected in the most clinically and public health cases.”
As of July 12, there were 5,492 patients with breakthrough infections of the Covid-19 vaccine who were hospitalized or died. According to the CDC. This is a small number of the above 159 million people Covid-19 is fully vaccinated.
A CDC study found that the coronavirus vaccine leads to a mild illness of a rare breakthrough infection.

According to the CDC, it is difficult to draw specific conclusions about infection rates from these numbers, but they may be underestimated. Surveillance data relies on voluntary reporting, and not all reports are complete and do not represent the entire infection.

Scientists know that 99.5% of Covid-19 deaths in the United States are currently among unvaccinated people, says US surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy of CNN’s Dana Bash. Said on Sunday.

The CDC monitors breakthrough infections to identify who is most likely to have a breakthrough infection. The CDC said there have been no unusual patterns so far.

Who may be more vulnerable to breakthrough infections

It’s not completely clear yet.A study of breakthrough infectious diseases that caused hospitalization Israel However, 6% of the 152 people surveyed were found to have no underlying health status.
on Friday, CDC warned Vaccines may not protect people with immunodeficiency.

People with weakened immunity are those who have had an organ transplant, who are receiving chemotherapy for cancer, who are on dialysis, or who are taking certain medications that suppress the immune system. That is.

New York Yankees & # 39; Breakthrough infections show the effectiveness of the Covid-19 vaccine.This is the reason
In general, older people may be more vulnerable to breakthrough infections, as studies have shown that the immune system declines with age. PreprintA study in the United Kingdom, which has not been peer-reviewed, found that older people were at increased risk of breakthrough infections. These Covid-19 cases were usually much milder than they were unvaccinated.

People who live in parts of countries with low immunization rates are more likely to have a breakthrough infection because they can infect more people.

What can you do to prevent breakthrough infections

“If you want to stop a breakthrough case, you need to get everyone else vaccinated, so the virus isn’t in circulation and that’s no longer a problem,” Edwards said.

Nationally, less than 50% of the United States is fully vaccinated against Covid-19. According to the CDC..

The more people are vaccinated, the fewer people can get the coronavirus. It also limits the number of new variants that can be developed. The more mutations in the circulation, the more likely it is that the coronavirus can circumvent vaccine protection.

The latest information on the Covid-19 pandemic as the Olympics approach

“If you’re not vaccinated, you’re still at risk,” said CDC director Rochelle Walensky on Friday. “This is becoming an unvaccinated pandemic.”

When asked if vaccinated people should do something unusual on Sunday, Mercy told CNN that even with a breakthrough infection, “this also happens to a very small number of people. -Mild or asymptomatic infections. “He said he would wear a mask indoors with great care if he was in an area with many unvaccinated people.

“Once again, it does provide a lot of protection, even if the vaccine does not provide complete protection,” Edwards said. “Even if it doesn’t work well in immunocompromised patients, it has some preventative effect, so it’s our responsibility to get vaccinated because we want to protect these people, the vulnerable elderly, and all others. is. .”

“So I can’t say this enough,” Edwards said.





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