The CDC is faced with questions about updating mask guidance as infections surge and breakthrough cases increase.
The number of people infected with the coronavirus is skyrocketing again across the country. Currently, only three states, Missouri, Texas, and Florida, account for 40% of the country’s new COVID-19 cases.
“The delta virus is much more infectious. Its viral load is thousands of times higher than its predecessor. Now even the average healthy person will get sick,” said Catherine, Our Lady of Lake Regional Medical. Dr. O’Neill said. Center in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
Coronavirus delta variants currently account for over 83% of all COVID-19 infections in the country. The three emergency licensed vaccines provide a high percentage of protection for people from serious illness and death from delta mutants.
“Our ICU knows that intubated young people are very ill or very ill on the floor. That should be a huge awakening call,” said the University of Alabama. Infectious diseases at the University of Birmingham
However, vaccines are not 100% effective, and as the community grows, so do Americans who test positive and are vaccinated to infect others with the virus.
Even the White House has seen new breakthroughs.
The Biden administration is currently discussing with the CDC whether the masking guidelines need to be updated.
“I’ve never said the fight is over. It’s still going on. If we hadn’t had such a conversation, more for you and the Americans,” said White House spokesman Jen Psaki. You will be worried. Thursday.
CDC guidance now states that vaccinated Americans can resume normal activities without wearing masks or social distance.
The problem, however, is that unvaccinated Americans also drop their masks if they are not obliged to mask them. Health officials are afraid that the honor system is failing in many places.
“Whenever data comes in, we’re always looking at it, and the guidance has been clear since we announced it a few months ago,” CDC director Rochelle Walensky said Thursday.
The CDC states that its guidance has not changed, but some vaccinated health professionals say they keep their masks on.
“I haven’t actually taken off my mask. I walk outside — I still have a mask. Certainly, when I go to the post office, grocery store, pharmacy, or anywhere else, I put on my mask. Leave it alone. More protection. “
Jerome Adams, who was the President of the United States Surgeon under former President Donald Trump, Washington post This week, the CDC was asked to change its guidance.
“Agencies need to urgently revise their masking guidance to counter the rapid increase in COVID-19 infections caused by delta mutations,” he wrote.
“Without a mechanism to determine who is vaccinated and who is not vaccinated, businesses and other people are being vaccinated and safely unmasked, which means who is following the guidance. Public health interventions that were helpless (and widely disliked) in determining what they were and which people were simply taking the opportunity to avoid highly politicized people. ” Adams continued.
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