Symptoms, tests, etc. occur as cases increase in Rochester, NY
Just as many thought they could relax ahead of the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus, highly infectious variants surged among unvaccinated people and hospitalizations surged.
as a result. NS The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is expected to recommend that people vaccinated with coronavirus on Tuesday resume wearing masks. Indoors under certain circumstances, according to a New York Times report.
As of July 20, the more contagious delta mutants accounted for 83% of all cases in the United States, said Dr. Rochelle Walensky of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. At the Senate Committee hearing last week..
Last week, delta variants accounted for only 50% of new cases.
“In some parts of the country, especially in areas with low immunization rates, the rates are even higher,” Warensky said.
This means that COVID cases in New York, which are still relatively small compared to last winter, are heading in the wrong direction due to growing concern that the coronavirus is far from being eradicated.
New York has a 51% increase in new COVID cases In the week ending on Sunday, the number increased to 9,352.
In fact, nearly 2,000 new COVID cases occurred on Sunday for the first time since mid-May in New York. This is partly due to the ever-increasing number of Delta variants.
On Monday, Monroe County health officials announced There were 222 newly confirmed COVID cases In the previous week. Last week’s report had 139 positive cases. There were 72 new cases locally in the last week of June.
According to the CDC, unvaccinated people are at greatest risk, but vaccines are not 100% effective. As the number of cases continues to grow, here are some of your questions about delta variants.
What is a Delta Variant?
According to the Federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, mutations occur when a virus mutates. Some variations allow the virus to spread more easily or become resistant to treatments and vaccines.
The SARS-CoV-2 B.1.617.2 (Delta) variant emerged in India and was first diagnosed in Oklahoma, USA in April 2021.Since then, it has spread rapidly and is now ours.
Are Delta Variants More Dangerous?
It’s definitely easy to spread and catch.
“In an unrelieved environment where no one is vaccinated or wears a mask, it is estimated that the average person infected with the original coronavirus strain will infect the other 2.5.” Dr. F. Perry Wilson, an epidemiologist in Yale medicine, told Yale medicine.. “In the same environment, Delta spreads from one to perhaps 3.5 or four others.”
According to the CDC, “increased infectivity, more serious illness (eg, increased hospitalization or mortality), significantly reduced neutralization by antibodies produced during previous infections or vaccination, treatment or vaccine efficacy There is evidence of decreased sex, or diagnostic detection. Failure “is associated with the delta variant.
So far, there is no clear study as to whether Delta will make you sick.Early information from Scottish studies It has been suggested that the delta mutation is twice as likely to result in hospitalization for unvaccinated people, but this has not been confirmed.
Are the symptoms of COVID Delta different?
There are reports of various symptoms. Classic cold symptoms such as headache, throat type, and runny nose are more often reported in Delta. Loss of taste and smell (common in early strains of the virus) is also less likely to occur, at least as a symptomatology of early onset.
However, if the infection progresses to a serious case, all symptoms can recur.
According to Dr. James Porter of Abbott and Deacones Health Systems, delta variants are likely to lead to “long COVIDs” and people experience a variety of symptoms at once for weeks or months.
Differences in symptoms may also be due to the younger average age of unvaccinated people.
How can I avoid getting the COVID from the delta variant?
Get vaccinated. Get your family and friends vaccinated.
“A clear message is coming,” Warensky said at a news conference. “This is becoming an unvaccinated pandemic. Cases have been seen in some countries with low vaccination rates due to the risk of unvaccinated people and have been fully vaccinated. The community is generally doing well. “
Which vaccine is most effective against the delta variant?
Reports and preliminary studies indicate that the efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccine may be slightly lower for delta mutants. Many of the studies have not yet been peer-reviewed.
Both the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine and the Moderna vaccine, which require two doses, are 94-95% effective in preventing infection by the original COVID strain. The Johnson & Johnson shot is a one-time shot and is 66.3% effective in preventing infection. All three are almost 100% to prevent hospitalization and death.
But in one study from Israel, Pfizer vaccine was 64% effective against delta mutants..
Another study (recently, but not yet peer-reviewed) Pfizer vaccine is 88% effective against delta variants According to an analysis by the UK Public Health Service, Yale Medicine reported a 96% effect on hospitalizations from Delta after two doses.
Modana, in a study that has not yet been peer-reviewed, said the vaccine is effective against delta variants, Yale Medicine said.
and, New research from bioRhiv People who have been vaccinated with Johnson & Johnson have stated that they may need a second dose. Ideally, it is a Pfizer vaccine or a Moderna vaccine.This study is neither peer-reviewed nor published, but is consistent AstraZeneca Vaccine Research It concludes that a single dose is 33% effective against the symptomatic disease of the delta mutant and 60% effective against the mutant after the second dose.
“The message we wanted to convey wasn’t that people shouldn’t get J. & J. It’s a vaccine, but in the future it will be boosted by another dose of J. & J. Nathaniel Landau, a virologist at New York University’s Grossman School of Medicine, who led the study, told The New York Times.
The results are inconsistent with the study published by Johnson & Johnson that a single dose of vaccine is effective against mutants.
Pfizer has announced that vaccine booster shots will provide powerful protection and is developing vaccines that directly target the delta variant, but so far the FDA and CDC have stated that booster shots are not needed. ..
Can I still get a COVID after vaccination?
Yes. No vaccine is 100% effective. In the best scenario with a 95% effective Pfizer or Moderna vaccine, 5 in 100 are still vulnerable.
It is also possible to get COVID between the first and second shots, or shortly after the second shot.
Vaccines, broadly speaking, work by teaching the body how to fight a particular infection, essentially giving the immune system a great start. It doesn’t happen as soon as the needle enters.
Nicole Iobin, an infectious disease expert at the University of Florida and chief epidemiologist at the hospital, said the average person accumulated defenses of antibodies from the second shot (or one shot of Johnson & Johnson). I said it would take 10-14 days to do it, but each one is different. She said individual individuals may have an above-average immune response that may be faster or slower than average.
Can I get the COVID vaccine while I have a COVID?
According to the CDC You should not..They recommend waiting until you recover and meet Criteria for stopping quarantine, Even if there are no symptoms. This is also true if you are infected with COVID between the first and second doses of the vaccine.
Does the COVID-19 test detect delta variants?
NS Delta variants have unique biological markers According to Fortune, it may not be detected by some COVID-19 tests.
How do you test the delta variant?
According to Fortune, the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test is more likely to detect delta variants than the COVID-19 test.
Fortune reports that companies are creating rapid tests to detect delta variants without the need for PCR tests.
Do I need to wear the mask again?
Continue to use the mask a little longer if you are immunocompromised or your child is around someone who is too young to be vaccinated, or if you live or travel in an area with low vaccination rates. Is recommended.
Masks are much less common than they were a few months ago CDC relaxed attitude towards masks in May.. However, the latest information on the CDC was based on the rise and fall of immune levels at the time.
Wearing a mask over the vaccination is the safest way to avoid infection. Also, even if you are infected, you may not have any symptoms. This means that you can easily infect people who are not vaccinated or who cannot be completely protected from the vaccine because of weakened immunity.
Dr. William Schaffner, an infectious disease expert at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine in Nashville, Tennessee, said the vaccine was “superbly successful” in preventing hospitalization, but not so perfect in preventing the transmission of the disease. Said.
Vaccinated people have a lower risk of getting sick on their own, and wearing a mask can reduce the risk of the virus transmitting to others, he said.
Contains reports from Palm Beach Post
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