The number of COVID-19 clusters in Provincetown, which first appeared earlier this month, surged to 833, town manager Alex Morse said Wednesday.
Morse has seen the updated tally in a Facebook post.Was an increase of 68 cases from The day before.
Of the 833 incidents confirmed as of Wednesday, Morse wrote that “501 are residents of Massachusetts, 210 of whom live in Provincetown.” He said seven hospitalizations so far have been associated with the cluster.
“It is important to note that the case data is cumulative and does not represent the number of people with active cases of COVID-19 or the number of cases currently hospitalized,” Morse wrote. .. Since 1 July, half have been released from quarantine as of Tuesday.
“These releases are in line with the Public Health Service’s guidance on timeframes and quarantine associated with virus incubation and infection periods,” he said.
He also urged people to take the test.
“Testing is the best way for health authorities to measure the success of the measures being taken to reduce the effects of clusters and the spread of the virus,” Morse wrote.
In addition, Morse quoted a silver lining in the nasty news about the cluster: the town’s positive rate is heading in the right direction.
“Test positive rate … [has] Since the start of surveillance of the Provincetown cluster, it has improved from the peak of 15% on July 15th to the new low of 5.9% reported on July 27th, “Morse wrote. .. He said positive rates of less than 5% were considered “progress towards cluster containment” and positive rates of less than 1% meant cluster containment.
A popular summer tourist destination, the town has adopted a new indoor mask man date During an emergency meeting on Sunday Between selection committees, town health committees, and Barnstable County authorities.
Previous Globe Story material was used in this report.
Travis Andersen can be reached at [email protected].. Follow him on Twitter @TAGlobe..