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Both Dallas County and Texas report the highest number of daily cases

Both Dallas County and Texas report the highest number of daily cases


The Dallas County Health and Welfare Department reported nearly 1,000 new cases of COVID-19 confirmed on Wednesday and five deaths, including a teenage girl.

Dallas-Dallas County and Texas both report increased cases and mortality of COVID-19 as Delta variants continue to spread throughout the region.

The Dallas County Health and Welfare Department reported nearly 1,000 new cases of COVID-19 confirmed on Wednesday and five deaths, including a teenage girl.

The exact number of new cases on Wednesday is 989, including 747 confirmed cases and 242 possible cases. This is the closest to 1,000 cases in Dallas County since local health authorities reported 1,020 cases on February 11.

Since the follow-up began in March 2020, the county has reported 270,155 confirmed cases and 45,206 possible cases of COVID-19. So far, 4,191 residents of Dallas County have died of COVID-19.

All five deaths reported by the county were due to people who were seriously ill and in underlying health at a local hospital. In addition to Dallas teenage girls, these deaths include:

  • Garland man in his twenties
  • Dallas woman in her 50s
  • Sunnyvale man in his 50s
  • Dallas woman in her 60s

Dallas County Returned to orange Or, late Friday night in the “Caution” section of the COVID-19 risk level color-coded chart.

Judge Clay Jenkins County Tweet on wednesday Delta Variant is currently the predominant strain in North Texas. He cited the UT Southwestern model, which states that the county will have more than 600 new cases per day by August 9.

“”[The Delta variant] “It’s highly contagious and causes major illnesses in people in their 20s, 30s and 40s,” Jenkins tweeted. “Delta mutants pose a serious threat to unvaccinated people. There is. “

Also on Wednesday, Baylor Scott & White Health, one of the largest medical systems in northern Texas, Announced that all employees, providers and volunteers will be required to receive the COVID-19 vaccine by October 1...

On the same day, Texas as a state had 10,086 new cases on Wednesday, according to the Texas Department of Health.This is the most common case since state officials reported 10,378 new cases on February 11.

In Texas, less than 5,000 cases were reported daily from March 3 to July 21.

The state’s current 14-day average is 3,975.

The record high average was 18,915 from January 4th to 17th.

Related: Baylor Scott & White states that all employees and providers must be vaccinated by October 1st

Tarrant County has added 99 hospitalizations in the last 4 days

According to health officials, 457 people are currently hospitalized in Tarrant County with COVID-19. It has decreased from 458 on the previous day. The county’s current 14-day average is 333.

Over the past four days, 99 hospitalizations have been added to Tarrant County.

COVID patients currently account for 10% of total bed capacity.

Health officials reported 442 new COVID-19 cases on Wednesday. Since the follow-up began in March 2020, there have been a total of 271,510 cases in the county.

There were eight more COVID-19 deaths reported by authorities, including a Crawley man in his 40s and a Grapevine woman in his 80s.

As of Wednesday, 2,036,427 COVID-19 vaccines have been administered in Tarrant County.

Collin County reports more than 200 hospitalizations for the first time since early March

Health officials in Collin County said the county currently has 201 COVID-19 hospitalizations as of Wednesday. This is up from 171 on Tuesday.

This is the first time more than 200 daily hospitalizations have been reported since 237 on March 7.

The county’s current 14-day average hospital stay is 147.

According to health officials, COVID-19 patients make up 7% of the total bed capacity in Collin County.

According to the Texas Department of Health, there were 413 new COVID-19 cases in Collin County on Wednesday.

This is the most reported case since the state added 437 new cases on June 12.

The county’s current 14-day average number of cases is 113. A record average of 708 cases occurred between December 31st and January 13th.

Related: Incorrect information for fact checking after CDC updates COVID-19 mask guidance

Denton County has 10 ICU beds

Denton County health officials have reported that there are 10 ICU beds available at the county hospital. This has increased since 9am on Tuesday.

Currently, 57 people are hospitalized with COVID-19 in the county, with an average 14-day hospitalization of 45 people.

Health officials reported 1231 new COVID-19 cases on Wednesday. Since the follow-up began in March 2020, there are currently 79,359 cases in the county.

As of Monday, 206,736 people in Denton County received the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine and 197,528 received the second dose.




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