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New CDC guidance is changing the way families stay safe from the coronavirus

New CDC guidance is changing the way families stay safe from the coronavirus


One reason the guidance has changed is that there is increasing evidence that vaccinated people can also infect others with the delta variant of the coronavirus. Therefore, CDC staff advised people living at home with unvaccinated children and immunocompromised families to pay particular attention and to wear masks in indoor spaces.

Many people ask questions about what this CDC guidance means for their families. Who needs masking under what circumstances? What if my parents have to go to work? Do I need to wear a mask around my children? Can grandparents still see their grandchildren safely? Should extended families be tested for Covid-19 before they get together, even those who are vaccinated?

To help understand all of this as the guidance changes, we turned to Dr. Linawen, a CNN medical analyst. Wen is an emergency physician at George Washington University’s Milken Institute School of Public Health and a visiting professor of health policy and administration. She is also the author of a new book. “Lifeline: Doctor’s Journey in the Battle for Public Health”

CNN: What does the new CDC guidance mean in terms of who should wear a mask and when?

Dr. Liana Wen: The way I understand the new CDC guidance is that there is one group that needs special attention in a different way than the previous guidance.

Earlier, the CDC stated that vaccinated people are well protected from serious illness and are unlikely to spread the virus to others. Therefore, prior guidance indicated that it was not necessary to wear a mask. On the other hand, unvaccinated is not protected. In particular, the prevalence of more contagious delta variants increases the risk of unvaccinated people to become infected with Covid-19 and become infected with the virus. You must wear a mask indoors.

This also applies to the new guidance. The CDC now says that vaccinated people need to wear masks indoors as well. This is especially true if you live at home with an unvaccinated or immunocompromised person.

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My takeaway from this guidance is that these people (and I’m one of them and have two children under the age of 12 who aren’t yet vaccinated) could pass Covid-19. The risk is high because of the people we live with. We still have sufficient protection of ourselves from the serious consequences of the coronavirus, but we want to reduce the risk by masking the interior to protect the vulnerable people in our families.

CNN: Many grandparents are wondering if they need to be especially careful not to infect their grandchildren. Can grandparents safely see unvaccinated grandchildren?

Wen: Yes. However, people around vulnerable and unvaccinated individuals may consider careful mitigation of risk, especially in areas with high coronavirus infection rates. This means wearing a mask, limiting time in a crowded indoor environment, and recognizing the additional risks. This means that if you choose to engage in one high-risk activity, such as going to a large wedding with an unvaccinated guest, you can reduce other high-risk exposures and reduce your overall risk. increase.

The vaccine is still very effective, but I would like to make it clear that it is not 100%. My favorite analogy is that vaccines are great raincoats. Protects you in drizzle and moderate storms. However, if you are hit by a thunderstorm every day, you will get wet at some point.

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Some countries are exposed to drizzle. The level of vaccination in the community is high and the infection rate is low. Asymptomatic infections are unlikely to be encountered, and if vaccinated, the risk of being infected with Covid-19 and infecting grandchildren is very low. If you live in such an area, you will be able to lead a normal daily life without worrying about bringing the coronavirus into your family.

This is not the case if you are in a community where cases are proliferating. If the vaccination rate is low and the infection is high, you are more likely to come into contact with the infected person. In such situations, a raincoat may not be enough. You may also need an umbrella. Think of the mask as its umbrella, an additional layer of protection.

You may also want to reduce your exposure to other high-risk activities. You won’t go to an indoor bar or a crowded gym where the people around you don’t wear masks. Reducing the risk of exposure also reduces the likelihood of becoming an asymptomatic carrier that can result in Covid-19 in unvaccinated grandchildren.

CNN: What about parents working in jobs that are exposed to unvaccinated, unmasked people? Do they need to wear masks at home?

Wen: This is a difficult situation. I would like you to take steps to protect the safety of your employees in the workplace. Ideally, vaccination proof or at least regular testing is required. If not, you still need to implement masking and physical distance.

You can be secure even if your workplace does not have these protocols. This includes wearing N95 or KN95 masks indoors or in densely populated areas with others of unknown vaccination status. If possible, avoid unmasked gatherings. For example, eat lunch at your desk, not around others. If possible, raise your concerns to your boss and see if you can reallocate your workspace away from others, or at least try to avoid crowded meeting rooms. ..

I find it very difficult for parents to wear masks continuously at home around their children, except in very special and time-limited situations, such as when they have symptoms or are waiting for a coronavirus test. increase. The best way is to try to reduce the risk in the workplace as much as possible.

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CNN: What’s safe if you have an extended family? Let’s say some are vaccinated and some are not.

Wen: The safest thing to do is to get together only outdoors. In that case, no one needs to mask or test.

If an indoor gathering is planned for a group with mixed vaccination status, ideally everyone should be quarantined before being tested. With the proliferation of delta variants, this is the safest option to keep your family safe.

There are many changes to the CDC guidance. We need to do our best to reduce risk while resuming some of our most important lives. Vaccination is the best way to protect ourselves and our loved ones.





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