Some pregnant women who have not yet been vaccinated with COVID-19 despite changes in health advice
Daniel Barbosa, who lives in Perth, is about 20 weeks pregnant and has many tasks on her “to do” list, but her COVID-19 vaccination appointment is not one of them.
Key Point:
- Pfizer vaccine was considered safe for pregnant women in June
- Some women say GP does not recommend jabs
- Doctors encourage women to get personalized medical advice
The 29-year-old enrolled to receive the Pfizer vaccine on the day she was found to be eligible.
“I immediately jumped online and booked my appointment,” she said.
“At this time, there are no cases of COVID here, but there is a good chance that the border will be opened.
“New South Wales has moved very quickly to many cases now. Perth can do the same.”
Barbosa and her husband wanted to visit an extended family abroad in England and Brazil, but realized the difficulty of traveling during a pandemic.
She said getting vaccinated was one step closer to seeing her loved one again.
“If you want to travel with your baby right away, you need to protect your baby. It’s important to protect me because I don’t know when my baby can be vaccinated. That way, protecting my baby can be You can. That too. ”
Barbosa is not eligible for the vaccine if she is not pregnant due to her age.
“I wish I could have prevented all this accumulation by regaining the vaccine many years ago in March, but I boarded immediately. [when I became eligible], “She said.
Global research encourages change of advice
In early June, the Royal Australian and New Zealand Obstetricians and Gynecologists (RANZCOG) and the Vaccine Advisory Group ATAGI were held. Announced advice recommending Pfizer Jab for pregnant women at all stages of pregnancy After global surveillance data did not find significant safety concerns.
The findings are the culmination of studies from around the world, especially from the United States and Israel, where more than 6,000 pregnant women were observed.
According to RANZCOG, “there is evidence that cord blood and breast milk contain antibodies, which may protect babies with passive immunity.”
Despite changes in health advice, some pregnant women choose not to vaccinate.
Isobel Morrell, 27, also from Perth, said he wasn’t an “anti-boxer” but was still uncertain about the safety of jabs during pregnancy.
“I think it’s a bit confusing. Obviously, I know that new research and evidence are constantly emerging, but the advice is changing rapidly from the very difficult ones, and it’s a bit strange that it’s currently recommended.” She said.
Ms. Morel said her doctor’s advice during pregnancy was also a major reason for her hesitation.
“When I first started watching [my GP] Because of my pregnancy, she advised me not to get the COVID vaccine, “she said.
“That’s one of the first things she told me, she didn’t get it all the time during our appointment, and if I needed an exemption for work or something, she I constantly said that I would be happy to give it to me.
“If you’re told by a doctor or midwife, you might reconsider, but you won’t hesitate while breastfeeding.
“I know that the success rate is increasing for women overseas just because it’s like fetal development, but it makes me feel a little better when my baby comes here.”
Call for vaccine recommendations to be “daily”
Dr. Vijay Roach, president of RANZCOG, said Australian health officials changed their advice to recommend Pfizer vaccines during pregnancy due to new data and an increased risk of COVID-19 infection nationwide. I did.
“In situations where community infections were low, there was no good reason to advise pregnant women to be vaccinated on a regular basis,” he said.
“It has changed due to the conditions found in New South Wales, then Victoria, and potentially throughout Australia, where community prevalence is rising.
Dr. Roach said the GP, which kept telling qualified pregnant patients to wait for the jab, wasn’t doing the right thing.
“I don’t think that’s the right advice. I think we need to support those GPs, educate them and encourage them to understand that this is a safe vaccine.
“We know that pregnant women infected with COVID have higher mortality, hospitalization and ICU admission rates.
“Both pregnant women and the practitioners themselves are always worried about all kinds of treatments during pregnancy. We need to overcome that by saying that there is data to support the safety of vaccination during pregnancy. ”
GP says coordinated advice is best
Dr. Sean Stevens, chairman of the Royal Australian General Pioneer University in Western Australia, said doctors generally believe that pregnant women are vaccinated.
“I think the advice we give to all patients is tailored to each individual’s circumstances,” he said.
“So if you have advice that goes against the overall guidelines, I’m sure there’s a good reason for it.
“The guidelines are exactly that, and they are guides, so it is very important to discuss your individual situation with your GP.”
Dr. Stevens said that vaccines during pregnancy are not recommended if the patient has standard contraindications.
“If you have an anaphylactic allergy to Pfizer’s ingredients, a previous severe reaction to Pfizer’s first dose, or if someone probably gives birth soon and has problems, it’s a good idea to wait until after giving birth. No real problems. The delivery itself. ”
Dr. Stevens said the decision of pregnant women was personal, but added that he encouraged people to discuss it with their doctors.
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