The CDC recommends a mobile street harm reduction service to control the outbreak of HIV in Kanawha Co.
Kanawa County, W.Va.. (WSAZ)-The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended on Tuesday the use of a mobile one-stop shop harm reduction service to curb rapid HIV infection in Kanauha County.
The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, located in Charleston, conducts epi-aid studies to investigate drug epidemics in the county and to confirm HIV contact tracing procedures.
On Tuesday, the agency issued a final recommendation with the West Virginia Department of Health and Personnel (DHHR), the Public Health Service, and the Kanauha-Charleston Department of Health.
The CDC’s main recommendations for dealing with the ongoing outbreak of HIV focused on addressing the preventive and care service gaps in people who inject drugs. The CDC emphasized that response efforts should be urgently addressed given the evidence of ongoing rapid HIV infection.
The CDC has proposed increased and improved access to sterile syringes, as well as testing and treatment with:
- Meet people injecting drugs at their current location by reducing barriers to participation in harm reduction programs and serving through a one-stop shop model of mobile and street outreach and harm reduction services.
- Create an HIV / hepatitis C testing routine using opt-out screening in health care and other environments where drug-injecting people may engage in care.
- Co-located services for people injecting drugs to facilitate a seamless transition to HIV, hepatitis C, substance use, and the support, care, and treatment needed for mental health services.
The CDC also addresses outbreaks through increased involvement and dissemination of information, including promoting community discussions, especially with key stakeholders, and involving drug-injecting people in the design and delivery of programs and services. We encourage you to involve the community in your efforts.
Authorities also understand the extent of injectable drug use in Kanauha County and travel to other West Virginia counties to improve HIV testing, prevention, and care services in communities at highest risk of HIV or hepatitis. Hepatitis C outbreaks among people injecting drugs believe that additional data analysis needs to be done to prioritize outreach.
The CDC also provides additional recommendations, including expansion and improvement of harm reduction across multiple settings and care coordination, and various entities including health sector, clinical settings, orthodontic settings, social welfare, and public security stakeholders. Gives an overview of the specific actions that can be taken.
“The Public Health Service is committed to helping communities to keep infection rates as low as possible,” said Dr. Ayne Amjad, State Public Health Officer and Commissioner for DHHR’s Public Health Service. “The state will continue to work with partners to implement an innovative approach to providing prevention and care for people who inject drugs. Again, especially throughout the last month, the CDC Epi Aid team, Kanawha- We would like to thank the Charleston Health Department and many others for their work. “
DHHR’s Department of Public Health and Partners are working on HIV, including the formation of the Kanawa Valley HIV Testing Outreach Group, the provision of virtual HIV counseling, and testing training for community quick response team members and non-traditional partners such as social. We continue to respond to the occurrence of. Work with service providers, and behavioral health providers and state opioid recipients to integrate HIV testing and prevention into the services provided.
Dr. Sheriyoung, Associate Chief Medical Officer and Former Kanawa Charleston Health Department Health Officer at the Charleston Area Medical Center in West Virginia Health Network, said: And the CEO. “Thanks to the CDC for acknowledging our efforts and providing these recommendations.”
Access full findings and recommendations here..
Copyright 2021 WSAZ. all rights reserved.
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